08 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: It’s National Donut Day!

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Celebrate National Donut Day the healthy (or at least healthier) way by making a batch of baked donuts. [Fox News]

Riding the subway won’t give you the flu, according to a new study. [UPI]

The first film adaptation of a Judy Blume book is coming to the big screen! Do a happy dance for your inner pre-adolescent self. [TODAY.com]

A new study suggests that sexual and emotional abuse may permanently affect your brain. [TIME]

Getting fewer than six hours of sleep a night increases the heart attack risk for women—but not men. [UPI]

Cutting your calories too much could put you at risk for gallstones. [Reuters]

More than a quarter of the women surveyed in a global poll said they’ve broken up with someone via text message (or would do it if they haven’t already). Classy, ladies. [CNBC] 

Colonel Sanders’ white suit is being auctioned off later this month—and it’s expected to go for $ 10,000. Some people are very serious about their fried chicken. [Reuters]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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