02 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Mediterranean Diet Boosts Memory

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

First researchers confirmed that loading up on produce and healthy fats promotes heart health. Now, they’re saying it could also help improve your memory. Is there anything the Mediterranean diet can’t do? [ScienceDaily]

Warren Buffet wrote an amazingly pro-woman editorial for Fortune magazine: “For most of our history, women — whatever their abilities — have been relegated to the sidelines. Only in recent years have we begun to correct that problem.” Gotta love that guy. [Fortune]

A prosthetics manufacturer is giving many of the Boston Marathon amputees free artificial limbs. [Reuters]

Seriously sad: More people in the U.S. die from suicides than car crashes. [The Atlantic Wire]

Binge drinking—even just on weekends—can dramatically increase your risk of liver damage, according to new research. [Medical Xpress]

Lay off the sleeping pills: The number of ER visits due to sleep aid-related problems is on the rise. [Medical Daily]

There’s a masturbate-a-thon happening right now in Philadelphia to benefit local sex ed groups. Great cause, but who exactly is donating based on the amount of time participants dedicate to solo time? [Huffington Post] 

Fashion designer John Galliano says that he won’t be attending the Met Gala this year because there are too many stairs. OK… [NY Post]

Your smartphone may soon be able to give you all the tests you typically get at your annual physical. Anyone else find this a little unnerving? [AP]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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