21 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Now You’ll Know If Your Meat Ate GMOs

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

The USDA just approved the first label to certify that your meat consumed a GMO-free diet before it ended up in the grocery store. [NYT]

Nationwide, the smoking rate is on the decline. [USA Today]

The average American spent less time working last year… [WSJ]

…But she also spent more time watching TV, according to the American Time Use Survey released by the Labor Department yesterday. [WSJ]

Newly popular office perks like free lunch and snacks are hazardous to your waistline. Help work off those extra calories with these tips[NYT]

In light of James Gandolfini’s death, the American Heart Association says that cardiac arrests like his are scarily common: The organization predicts that 715,000 people will have a heart attack this year. [USA Today]

Rumor has it that baby Kimye has a name—and it’s North West. *Insert eye-roll here.* [Vulture]

More proof that the label gluten-free doesn’t automatically make something healthy: Dunkin’ Donuts just announced that it will introduce a gluten-free cinnamon sugar donut. [UPI.com]

Justin Bieber’s third—we repeat, third—fragrance comes out next month. That means a whole lot of people must have actually bought the first two. [The Cut]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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