25 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Online Video Dating Is Now a Thing

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

A new dating app just launched—and it features video profiles! [Refinery29]

You have to watch this video of President Obama “singing” Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky.” [BuzzFeed]

The first ever on-bag contest from popchips starts today: It’s kind of like looking for one of the golden tickets from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but the 25 winners get flown to L.A. to see Katy Perry in concert. [popchips blog]

Three-quarters of people in the U.S. are living paycheck-to-paycheck, according to a new survey. [CNN Money]

Recent Yellowstone visitors are not happy campers: There’s been a norovirus outbreak at the national park, as well as at Grand Teton. [UPI.com]

New research reveals that third-hand smoke can damage your DNA. [Huffington Post] 

Apparently Cap’n Crunch (as in, the guy on the cereal box) only wears a naval commander’s uniform, not a captain’s…so the U.S. Navy has come out and announced that there is, in fact, no record of a Cap’n Crunch. Thanks for clearing that up, guys. [Newser]

A red panda went missing from the National Zoo in Washington, D.C., yesterday evening. How does that happen?! Luckily, the animal has since been found and returned. [National Geographic]

The geeky stereotype associated with working in computer science is keeping more women from pursuing jobs in the field, finds a new study. [UPI.com]

photo: Digital Vision/Thinkstock

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