17 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: You’ll Probably See More Bikers Tomorrow

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Tomorrow is Bike to Work Day! Make sure you wear a helmet if you’re taking part. [ABC News]

Creative outlets like music, art, and dancing may help make cancer patients feel less anxious, according to a new study. [Reuters]

PBS has confirmed that Diddy’s Tweet about being on Downton Abbey was a hoax. Phew. [People]

Intensive care unit admissions spiked 50 percent between 2002 and 2009—but researchers aren’t sure why. [UPI]

Something doesn’t add up here: Locks of Love receives 104,000 hair donations each year. That’s enough for more than 2,000 hairpieces—but they made only 317 in 2011. [ABC News]

As many as 20 percent of U.S. children have some kind of mental disorder, according to the CDC. [Reuters]

From 2007 to 2012, only 28 percent of the speaking roles in films belonged to women. [The Frisky]

More than half of the pools in a recent study tested positive for feces. Kinda puts a damper on bikini season, huh? [USA Today]

In totally sickening news, a man in Florida has been accused of tricking his girlfriend into getting an abortion. [Medical Daily]

photo: Fuse/Thinkstock

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