13 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: You Can Help Feed the Hungry By Running

By admin

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today:

Registration for Women’s Health’s second annual Run 10 Feed 10 event is now open. Sign up to ensure 10 hungry people get meals! [Run 10 Feed 10]

Speaking of which, volunteering regularly can cut your risk of high blood pressure by up to 40 percent. [Mail Online]

Have you heard? Avril Haines just became the first woman to be named CIA Deputy Director. [Newser]

More dads have the option to go on paternity leave—but hardly any are taking advantage of it. [WSJ]

The FDA inspected a Tennessee pharmacy tied to a recent outbreak of fungal infections—and the results weren’t pretty. [NBC News.com]

Young girls who are exposed to high levels of BPA may be more likely to become obese, according to a new study. [CBS News]

A new app called LuLu lets women rate men based on how good they are in bed, Yelp-style. So wrong. [Jezebel]

This guy spent $ 5,000 on plastic surgery to look as much like Ryan Gosling as possible. We think he’s hot, too, but that’s a little extreme. [Huffington Post]

One man refused to pay a $ 70 restaurant bill—and ended up being sentenced to three years in prison. Because that sounds reasonable. [Grub Street New York]

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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