06 August 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Give A Squat Bodyweight Leg Workout

By admin

1 week and 2 days…

That’s all that stands between me and my next trail race. Though I can’t wait to see this view again…

table rock sc

I wish I had just a little bit longer to prepare. After the 50K and then Spartan, I’ve been in a bit of a running funk.

Know what I mean?

Good thing training isn’t over! My legs still have a few workouts left in them to get stronger and my mind still has 9 days to get more confident. But let’s not open that can of worms! Let’s stick to the workouts.

Today, I have a great lower body workout to share. And guess what? It’s BODY WEIGHT ONLY!

I know, you’re amazed that there isn’t a kettlebell in there. I am too!

Like my recent kettlebell workouts, it’s on the shorter side, but it’s a great workout. My legs were exhausted at the end. Which is exactly what I needed them to be.

Plus, it’s great because if you want to add weights in the form of kettlebells or dumbbells, that’s totally doable.

Give A Squat Leg Workout

I did this workout right before hitting the climbing gym… not sure if that was the best idea as there were several times while I was bouldering that my legs began to shake. Even Dan could seem them! Just the sign of a good workout, right?

Let’s quickly go over this bad boy… 

Give A Squat Bodyweight Leg Workout

You’ll time yourself for the first of each pair of moves (according to the times listed above). From there, you will complete the second exercise for however many reps you were able to complete the timed move that it’s paired with.

Make sense?

So if I did 40 squats, I would follow it up with 40 lunges. Fun, right?

The Moves


Body Weight Squats


Body Weight Lunges

Push-Up Thrusters

pushup thrusters

Star Jumps

Star Jumps



Squat Pulse Squat

Squat pulse squat

Squat Jumps

Squat Jumps

Box Jumps

Box Jumps

My only tip is that you really go for it on the times sections. Of course go at a pace that allows you to keep awesome form, but you also want to push to a level that really leaves those legs feeling the burn.


Oh, and one more thing…

I challenge you to TWO rounds!

Like this workout? Make sure to share the fitness love!

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