02 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Give Up On Dreams & Do This Instead For Success

By admin

Dream (noun): An idea or vision that is created in your imagination and that is not real

“A visionary creation of the imagination” as Webster puts is, is reason enough to push my dreams aside.

For the past 5 years I have dreamed big.

Dreaming of my ideal life, family, job, and self.

But where has all this dreaming gotten me? Where has it gotten you?

Of course some dreams are achieved but often times the dream we imagine doesn’t match life.

Self made visions rarely do.

The Common “Dreams”

When I typed up the most common dreams here’s what popped up:

  1. Your mate cheating
  2. Being chased (funny, this is what I ALWAYS dream about)
  3. Back to school
  4. Teeth falling out
  5. Tornadoessleep
  6. Cars
  7. Dogs

Hum, not quite what I had in mind but brings me to my point:

Dreams are meant to be enjoyed during sleep. 

They’re not meant to be chased while awake.

Avoiding Success Because Of Dreams

I wish I could find the study, but some time ago, I read something that said people who refer to their goals as “dreams” are less likely to succeed because they don’t set actionable tasks.

They see dreams as a word making their goals seem out of reach and unobtainable.

goal setting

Funny how one little 5-letter word can have so much effect on success.

Chase After This Instead


– > Goals are achievable.

– > They’re measurable.

– > You can imagine yourself crossing a goal off a list once you get it.

– > You can taste success and goals allow you to map out a path to getting to the final product.

I’ve never heard anyone say “I’m half way to my dream.

But I have heard “Wow, by next month I know I’ll reach my goal of…

5 Tips For Hitting Your Goals

goal reaching

5. Talk about your goals as if you’ve already accomplished them. 

If you want to start your own cupcake business, don’t say: “When I have my own cupcake business, I will…”. Talk to yourself in the present: “I need to practice recipes for my cupcake business.” Avoid using future tense to give a feeling of accomplishment. When you do this you let your confidence grow to believe that you will have your cupcake joint.

4. Take action every single day.

This is a rule in our home (and something we’re always striving to do better at). Every single day, do at least one thing that gets you closer to your goals.

If you’re trying to lose weight, track your food or get in a workout. If you’re trying to grow a business, do something new to help grow it.

And even better, keep a journal and write down what you did that day. How cool would that be to look back on at the end of the year?

3. Dreams are personal, goals aren’t.

Dreams are often personal. And I think we can all agree that if we keep them locked in then we have no accountability. It’s easy to walk away from dreams because you’re not letting anyone else down but yourself.

But goals are different, you can share them without fear of judgement. You can have someone ask how things are going and you can write them down and post them on the wall above your computer screen.

2. Set a timeline & avoid the “One day…” thought.

When do you want to accomplish your goals? Give a deadline! Of course life gets in the way sometimes but having a deadline gives something to work towards. As you get closer to that date, you will feel the adrenaline as you work harder and more efficiently to succeed.

Dreams? Not so much… “One day, I’ll…” is a dream thought.

1. Never stop. 

Things don’t often go as planned. Life happens, yet that doesn’t mean to give up on goals. It also doesn’t mean that once you achieve one goal that you’re done.

What happens if your dreams come true? Does another pop up? No… but goals do.

When you accomplish one goal (which you will) reflect over the process and think of a new one.

Staying stagnant is just as bad is giving up. Don’t do it. Success only happens to those that continue to move forward in life.

Wow, pretty deep, huh?

Love to hear your thoughts. 

Do you ever have a reoccurring dream? 

I often dream of being chased. I never see who’s chasing me and sometimes I’m alone and sometimes I’m not. They aren’t always scary but I do always wonder what I’m running from.

I also dream of falling quite often. But not nearly as much as being chased.

I love Dan’s reoccurring dreams… zombies.

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