26 December 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Giveaway: 30-Day Squat Challenge Completion Entry

By admin

This has been one of the best weeks in a very long time! It’s been all about recharging, recovering and refocusing. While I have missed teaching my amazing boot campers, and spending time on my computer (yes, I really do love blogging away), I needed this week. Dan and I needed this week as a couple. I needed this week as an athlete (it’s my first relaxed workout week in months). My diet needed this week (I drank what I wanted and ate what I wanted).

We all need time to step away and look at the bigger picture in life. It helps us to refocus our minds and remember our goals.

This is the first time in months and months that I have gotten 8+ hours of sleep on consecutive days. Where I haven’t had an alarm clock screaming at me to wake up and where I’ve been able to get some things done when I wanted and just relax when I wanted.

I hope you’ve had a few days to recharge as well. I’ll share more of our holiday adventures this weekend! I have some fun presents I can’t wait to tell you about!

And perhaps a few days to celebrate completing the 30-day squat challenge?

Did You Complete The Challenge? 

There were so many of you that completed it, and I am proud of you all! Even if you didn’t do all 30 days, maybe you did 25? 20? Or even 5? Heck 5 days of squats is 500 extra squats more than you would have done, right?

How do you feel? One person lost over an inch! Pretty cool, right?

Now what? What’s your next step?

How To Be Entered Into The ‘I Did 3000 Squats’ Drawing

Well, it’s pretty easy actually… Just let me know below if you did (or did not) complete the challenge below in the comments! You have today (Thur) until Sunday to post below. Sunday I’ll pick a winner and announce it on the post that day. The winner will also be contacted via email.

Those of you who did will be entered into the drawing to win the big prize package!

Just a few of my favorite goodies, remember?


Now, this is based off honesty so please if you didn’t do the squat challenge then just be honest. So many of you worked your butts off (literally) and deserve a fair chance to win.

Also… we are going to do another 30-day fitness challenge starting January 1st, so let me know what you would like us to do? 

Perhaps we can get even more people in on the fun and I’ll aim to get even bigger prices!! Whoo hoo!

Did you complete the squat challenge? 

What should our next 30-day challenge be?

Whip Six Feed

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