27 April 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Giveaway: Fat Blasting Boot Camp

By admin

How can I thank my loyal readers here at Lifting Revolution!? I love you all and really appreciate you stopping by this thing I call my life!

I am sure I’ve mentioned it in the past, on top of The Art of Weight Lifting, I also run a full time boot camp business here in Charleston. I love doing it! Helping women to see just what they can accomplish and transform their bodies!

It’s pretty cool!

I LOVE designing boot camp workouts, which are very different from weight training workouts in the fact that they combine ALL the elements of fitness: cardio, intervals, strength training, balance work… you name it, my workouts include it.

Serious mode… Taking down scores!


I work very hard to make sure that my boot campers never have a clue as to what the workout will be from day to day. And that they get pushed to their own personal limits. It rocks!

Because I enjoy it so much, I actually took my boot camp style workouts from my local program and recently turned them into a 12-week online boot camp program for people not living in Charleston, The Body Fat Blasting Boot Camp. Each week there is a new workout and with each workout done, you’re expected to track yourself just as if you were with me. Making sure that you’re pushing harder and improving!

The Body Fat Blasting Boot Camp

That’s the name of the program. Along with it boot campers would get recipes, nutritional help. motivational support and everything else needed to see amazing results over the course of the 12-week period.

Workouts can be done at home, at the gym or even outside if wanted! I am telling you, these rock! And I know because I designed them, tapped them and did everything else with them! I even made my local boot campers do these workouts so I could get their feed back… serious stuff, right?

So here’s the deal.. I’m giving 1 of my amazing LR readers free access to the program! It starts when you start! So let’s get started shall we?

How to enter to win? 

There are just two steps to winning: 1. Leave a comment below telling me about ANYTHING and 2. “Like” the facebook page (and write a comment telling me you liked the page).

Then you’ll be entered into the random drawling which will take place on Tuesday, May 1st.

I am pumped about this! The program will be changing soon, so you have the chance for the “get it before everyone else” deal! Sweet!

No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be selected at random by Lifting Revolution using Random.org. All entries received after the giveaway closing day and time will not be considered. Entries that do not follow the entry requirements will not be considered. Winners will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to confirm receipt of the email. If the winners do not reply within 24 hours, another winner(s) will be selected. Giveaways will be mailed to the winners’ address.  This giveaway has been sponsored by Body Fat Blasting Boot Camp. This is a sponsored post.  I received a prize pack as compensation.  All opinions stated are my own.

Whip Six Feed

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