25 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Gluten Free Moist Delicious Gingerbread

By admin

When we were in the mountains last week, I had the best piece of pumpkin bread of my life. It rocked my world. One of the volunteers dates a chef, she was kind enough to make all the food for the weekend.

I enjoyed that chunk of bread at the half way mark (water station) and it remained on my mind for the remainder of the race… it was that good.

That small piece of pumpkin bread got me motivated. I knew I couldn’t match the deliciousness of that recipe, and to be honest I didn’t feel like trying.

Instead, I decided to turn my attention to my favorite festive holiday treat… gingerbread.


For ease, instead of making a loaf, I decided to make muffins. That way Dan and I could just do the “grab and go” tactic. These turned out great by themselves but with a smear of Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Peanut Butter & Co, each muffin went from deliciously spiced gingerbread, to AMAZING deliciously spiced gingerbread.

I ended up making another batch to have this week with the family. I’m pretty sure all that is left at this particular moment is a container full of crumbs.

Gluten-Free Spiced Gingerbread

Gluten Free Gingerbread


1 Cup Oat Flour (grind up 1 cup of oats)
1/2 Cup Rice Flour
1/2 Cup Almond Flour
2 Tbsp Flaxseeds + 6 Tbsp Water (mixed together)
2 Tbsp Tapioca Flour
3 Tsp Baking Powder
2-3 Tbsp Ginger (or more depending on taste)
1 Tsp Cinnamon
Pinch Salt
2 Tbsp Apple Sauce, unsweetened
4 Tbsp Molasses
3 Tsp Vanilla
1/2 Cup Almond Milk
1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt (or sub milk)
2/3 Cup Coconut Oil


1. Heat oven 350-degrees.
2. Mix together all ingredients from Flours to Salt. In another bowl, combine everything else.
3. Pour mix into muffin molds.
4. Bake 10-13 minutes until slightly browned around edges. They cook faster than you think! Allow to cool before removing.

You may have noticed recently that most of my recipes are gluten-free. Am I gluten-free? Not completely, but I do believe in limiting gluten in our house as much as possible as I do try and follow a low inflammation diet.

If you are trying to think of something easy to serve for breakfast or snacks, this is perfect.

Favorite sweet bread?

Pumpkin is high on the list, but gingerbread is my favorite! Then banana bread. Yum!

Whip Six Feed

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