15 August 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Goddess Of Victory Weekend Workout + Nike Shoe Review

By admin

I would like to introduce you to the Goddess Of Victory….

Isn’t she beautiful?

In all seriousness, Nike means Goddess of Victory.

I know it’s hard to believe that a fitness addict didn’t name her cat after the biggest fitness brand in the world, but to be honest when we got Nike, I wasn’t really a Nike fan.


I just loved what it stood for. As soon as we read “Goddess Of Victory” we knew it was a great name for our cat!

And that is how Nike came to be in my life.

Now, if you watch my Youtube videos or check out my instagram feed, you can see Nike is more in my life these days. I’ve grown to love the company! The shoes, the capris, and though I recently gave up my NikePlus GPS, I do miss it!

Anywho… I’m getting ahead of myself. Where are my manners?


I hope you had a wonderful week and have a wonderful weekend ahead of you!

I don’t think we have any huge plans which is just the way I like it. After running around all last weekend for filming, it will be nice to take things slow.

Well… not completely because I do have a 7 mile run on my half marathon training plan, and then if my knee is feeling up for it, I’ll be doing this workout.

Which is my challenge for you as well!

Can you do this workout just once between now and Monday? Of course you can, so let’s do it!

The Goddess Of Success Weekend Workout


The Goddess Moves

Here are a few of the moves that might be new to you:

Kettlebell Swings

In-Out Push-Ups

Plank Up-Downs

Side Plank Crunches/Side

Kettlebell Presses

Note: For the presses, complete 15/Side.

If you’re unsure about any of the other exercises, just let me know!


Nike Free Inspired

This workout was inspired by my favorite new shoes…. My Nike Free 5.0s.


I’ve been sporting them for about 2-3 weeks now and am completely sold.

They are light weight, narrow (I have a very narrow foot) and believe it or not, very cushioned.

I’ve been looking for a better cross training shoe lately, something that was comfortable not only for my boot camp style workouts but also something I could knock out a few miles in without discomfort.


How did they come to be on my feet?

Well the very nice people at JD Sports recently contacted me and allowed me to choose any pair of shoes on their website. The selection was huge, but I had a pretty clear idea of what I needed and wanted.

Even though it’s a UK based company, I received my shoes pretty quickly which I was pleasantly surprised by.


Don’t tell Mizuno, but I like them just as much as my running shoes.. at least for runs under 6 miles.

But I’m not tossing my Mizunos out anytime soon.

These Nikes are my go to shoes for my strength workouts. They’ve been awesome for plyo workouts, lifting… with the minimal frame, I feel I am able to get a great stable base for moves like squats and lunges

Why should I have two pairs of shoes?

To be honest, I probably have about 8 pairs of workout shoes. But each pair I like for different reasons. And as a runner and a lifter, having desginated pairs of shoes for each allows the life of the shoe to be prolonged! <– If I did everything in my Mizunos I would need a new pair every 3 months!

Seriously, awesome.

Do you have multiple pairs of workout shoes that you use?

Whip Six Feed

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