19 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Greetings From Amelia Island, Florida

By admin

We made it!

We pulled into the Ritz Carlton shortly after 4pm yesterday afternoon. Greeted by bellhops, we “hopped” out of the car, thanked them for offering their services but opted to carry our own bags (isn’t that why I workout?) and then checked in to our room.

It’s absolutely gorgeous here. So I thought I would share some pictures…

Warning: I am blogging off my old laptop which means I can’t edit photos at all. Which is why the sizing may not be so great.

We wasted no time walking down to the pool for cocktail hour.


After a glass of champagne (with a cherry) or two, it was time for dinner.

We decided to stay at the hotel for dinner and keep it simple and relaxing. I took full advantage of their local “farmer’s market” buffet. Tons of local veggies perfect for this vegan.

After dinner, we headed back to the room where I fell asleep shortly after 9. Yup, it was wonderful.

I slept soundly thanks to the awesome beds here. I wish I could steal their comforters… seriously, the best ever. But because I was apparently snoring before the sun had fully set, I was up at 5:30 and decided to have an “unplanned” workout. I laced my shoes up and enjoyed views like:

amelia island beach

And this amazing sunrise:


After about 5 miles, I called it a run and headed back to Dan and my mom.

And then room service happened.

ritz carlton breakfast

Oh, how I love room service. Does anyone else think that fresh fruit is the best when delivered to your door? So fresh and flavorful. The rye toast and peanut butter was the perfect post run present ever.

Now excuse me, it’s pool time here and I have some reading to get done!


I have more pictures but I am probably going to have to wait to share them since I have no editing tools to resize. But make sure to follow me on instagram for trip high lights!

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