20 July 2012 ~ 32 Comments


By admin

Happy 37th Birthday Hodge twins Keith and Kevin. 😀 PART 2 www.youtube.com HODGE TWINS TWIN MUSCLE WORKOUT CHANNEL: www.youtube.com HODGE TWINS COMMENTARY AT ITS BEST: www.youtube.com HODGE TWINS POLITICAL CHANNEL: www.youtube.com HODGE TWINS FITNESS FOR WOMEN CHANNEL: www.youtube.com HODGE TWINS GAMING CHANNEL: www.youtube.com HODGE TWINS ON FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com This compilation (Part I and Part 2) took me a good weeks’ worth of time to put together. I love watching your videos. You guys have the BEST fitness and comment channels on Youtube. I just got out of the US Army yesterday (21 September). It feels great to be a civilian again. Thanks for serving in the US Marines. A little bit about the way this mix was put together: I tried to make this dedication mix short, but that would have been impossible. There is just way too much great content on both your channels, and I’m eager to see more political uploads and gaming uploads, as are many more of your fans. To make this short, I want to give a shout out to you guys. Im 29 years old, so seeing how fit you guys are at 37 gives me inspiration. I’ll be practicing Taekwondo again soon now that I’m out of the US Army. I served for 4.5 years and been deployed to Iraq. I was injured in OCS (Officer Candidate School) back in July 2010. Since then I’ve been on nine months on crutches and two months on a cane. This October or last week of this month I should be walking normal again. I’m now hitting the gym twice a day
Video Rating: 4 / 5

See: www.CoreAbdominalExercises.com for More FREE Core & Abdominal Exercises for Women and Men. In this video I teach you 4 Core Exercises to give you a quick and effective Mini Core Workout. This 4 Exercise Circuit Includes the following: 1 – Reverse Sit-Up with Twist 2 – Modified Incline Sit-Up, Side to Side 3 – Elbow to Knee, Twisting Plank 4 – Band Twist, Hi to Lo, On One Knee See: www.CoreAbdominalExercises.com for More FREE Core & Abdominal Exercises for Women and Men.

32 Responses to “HAPPY BIRTHDAY HODGE TWINS !!!!! (PART 1)”