01 January 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Happy New Years! The Ball Drop Kettlebell Workout

By admin


I hope you had a fun and safe night out! We stayed in and it was marvelous. Maybe one year we will actually venture out for New Years but this was not that year. And it was exactly like I wanted!

We are getting ready to head to my parents for a meal of collard greens, hop-n-john and lentils, but I wanted to quickly share an awesome workout that I did with my kettlebell class.

It goes by really fast! I’m not suggesting you’re in the mood to do this workout today necessarily, but perhaps within the next couple of days you’ll feel the need to sweat out the alcohol and New Year’s fare!


The Ball Drop Kettlebell Workout


In the workout above I have the timer for 20 min 15 sec, for my class we did 3 rounds of 12 minutes (with a 60 second rest between each one). Why? Because of time and with the rest, it urged us to push hard for the 12 minutes!

We completed 4 rounds. See what you can do!

The Exercises

Let’s quickly go over the moves!

Kettlebell Chest Press

KB Racked Squat

With each round, alternate which side you rack the kettlebell.

KB Snatches


KB Prisoner Squats

KB Lunges

KB Presses

Inch Worms

Ground 2 Overhead




So tell me…

Was your New Years party-rific or pretty low key?

We love our low key New Years Festivities! An great dinner, a few too many glasses of champagne in our own home and no worrying about crazies out on the road!

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