08 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Having The Best Workout Possible & Tushy Toner Kettlebell Workout

By admin

Last week, my friend Miss Zippy asked if any blog friends would be interested in doing a mass post on “Your best run lately”. Because I love to run and I love Miss Z, I of course said yes.

At the time I was extremely confident that I would finish the Bridge Run with a big smile on my face and would naturally want to write about it over and over again… nope.

Because I didn’t want to let her down, I decided to “Taylorize” the #bestrun idea and instead do #beststrength workout… Before I do I thought I would take the “best” and run with it for today’s Lifting Revolution’s Fitness And Nutrition Show!

This Week’s Episode:

– How To Have A Great Workout

– A Great Kettlebell Routine For The Week

I received those kettlebells for my birthday this past weekend (best husband ever), I am so excited to become more experimental with them and see what they can do.

While that workout is great:

womans kettlebell workout

It wasn’t the best workout I have had lately.

That prestigious award goes to the workout I did immediately following filming this episode. Dan, Amanda, Katie and myself have signed up to do the Bulldog Challenge in 2 weeks. We thought it would be fun to get some focused training in and therefore tailored a workout to whip us into military shape.

charleston bulldog challenge

For the entire 10-K course, we will have to carry around 2 20-lb sandbags (per team)… and  there is sure to be climbing, jumping, pulling, pushing, etc!

My Best Workout: Make the Bulldog A Puppy-dog Workout

85 Step-ups (holding 20 lb kettlebell)

55 Kettlebell swings (30 lb kettlebell)

55 Push-ups

100 Squat to single arm press (50/side with 15 lb kettlebell)

100 Cherry pickers (with 15 lb kettlebell)

50 24-in Box Jumps

Holy moly, it was a good one! By the end, we all had sweat dripping down our faces and  muscles begging for mercy. Yup, best workout of the week for sure! My tushy and hamstrings are already hating me which of course I love. Because I have the Palmetto 70 next weekend, this upcoming week is going to be pretty light so I needed this workout.

It’s amazing how awesome you feel when you push yourself beyond what you think is possible. You come to realize that you’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.

– What’s the best workout/run you’ve had in a while? 

– When you’re not “feeling a workout” are you able to get it done anyway or do you put it off a day?

Whip Six Feed

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