11 June 2012 ~ 49 Comments

Hip Hop in Review: Part II Mainstream rap & women

By admin

Hip Hop in Review: Part II Mainstream rap & women

In the documentary “Hip Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes” filmmaker Byron Hurt takes a critical look at Hip Hop. What we hope to do here is offer some feedback on the show and take a closer look at how mainstream Hip Hop got to where it is today and discuss what we need to understand about the images and messages in Hip Hop music. Guests: Courtney Morris, researcher who studies the impact of Hip Hop on black women. Mahdi Fard Muhammad, author of “It’s Time: The Race Is Over To Open A Black Man’s Eyes” and director of the Relationship Fitness Center. D. Solo, host and executive producer of the Hip Hop show “Street Flava”

Grumpy old women-My family & other animals Copyright BBC Copyright BBC
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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