04 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Holiday Confessions Of A Personal Trainer II

By admin

It’s been months since I did a confession post! Partly because I’ve had so many other posts planned out and partly because I felt my confessions were growing boring… I was growing boring?

Nah, that couldn’t be it. Ha.

And to prove just how exciting and how much of a rebel I am, I’m back to share another round of confessions. But in the spirit of things, let’s keep it holiday themed, shall we?

If you missed last year’s Holiday Confessions Of A Trainer check them out! I don’t know if anything can top them, but I’ll try.


Holiday/Winter Confessions Of A Personal Trainer

1. I’ve enjoyed an entire cartoon of eggnog…


Oh did I mention it was only me enjoying it?

I don’t know how people can stop with just one glass. I can literally drink it straight from the cartoon like milk. I haven’t bought it in a few years because I have no restraint and I’m not a huge fan of the milk alternative versions. If I am going to buy it, I want the REAL thick and creamy stuff…

And I know my stomach would hate me for it.

2. I’ve never played longer than 10 minutes in the snow.


First off, I live in Charleston so it’s not like we get snow a lot. But when I was a kid we had a freak snow storm and had over a foot… it looked like so much fun. From the window.

The moment I went out and tried to make a snow angel I realized that snow is cold. I hate cold. I hate being cold. I cried and had hot chocolate instead.

Then I went to college in upstate South Carolina where snow and ice storms actually do hit. We got 2 feet of snow and put together a football game with all our friends. I was pumped, until I went out and fell and got snow in my shoes. It was cold, I hated it and went inside and enjoyed hot chocolate (this time spiked with something).

I think I’ve grown tougher though, I think I could handle some snow now a days??

3. I used to have an under 45-degree rule for running.


Okay, here’s how I know that I toughened up…

A few years ago, I refused to run outside if it was 45 degrees or colder. No way Jose.

Now, I chuckle at this and am a bit embarrassed that 45 degrees would confine me to a treadmill. And, I LOVE running in the 40s. To me that’s perfect running temperatures!

Remember, I did just run a race that started at 18-degrees! What can I say? I’m becoming a woman.

4. I hate the healthy pre-holiday party suggestions.


You know what I’m talking about…

  • Eat a small meal before so you eat less there.
  • Don’t congregate around the food table.
  • Eat on a small plate and only fill it up once.
  • Drink just 1 cocktail and sip slowly.

Life is short, don’t go binging at parties but don’t spend the evening worrying about if you’re doing it right. Just have fun and follow intuitively what you should be eating and drinking. Of course I try to eat more of the healthy options, but if someone has made homemade fudge, I’m going to eat it.

I just know that I’ll be eating clean the remainder of the week!

Side note… I was really proud of that cake! It was delicious!

5. I turn into a pre-school teacher during Christmas.


Not really but I do try to get very cute with my workouts and decorations for my clients. I was so excited to get to put a real tree up at our studio this year! I’m still working on the rest of the building!

Ornaments with workouts on them, lights that travel with me from location to location, and workouts themed to Christmas songs galore. I can’t get enough of it.

It’s cheesy but everyone needs cheesy sometimes!

6. It’s the only time I dress up for a race!

And last but not least…

This weekend is the annual Reindeer 5K. It’s my favorite 5K in Charleston and I get really into the festivities. I love dressing up, I love the atmosphere, the fake snow, and the dozens of Santas that parade around smiling and waving.

It’s the most wonderful race of the year!

But I am having one issue… I have no idea what to be this year! Any suggestions?

What should I dress up like for the race?

Whip Six Feed

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