22 December 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Holiday Favorites {Quiz} & Memories

By admin

Happy Saturday! I don’t know about where you are but it seems that winter decided to show up just in time for Christmas. Last week we were blessed with temperatures in the low – mid 70s; starting yesterday we are lucky if we see the 50s.

Which of course means that today’s morning run was on a treadmill. I know I should suck it up layer on the clothes and head out for a few runs outside before the half, but seriously… it’s cold. And if I don’t have to have snot dripping from my nose, fingers burning, and a burning throat, then I won’t.

The run went great though, 10 miles down and felt like I could have gone further. I think I was fueled by stress from dealing with all the crazy holiday traffic yesterday!

Built up stress = killer workouts!

Speaking of the holidays, Julie did a “Holiday Favorites” Quiz and I decided it would be fun to do too. I love quizzes. Here is a Christmas quiz I did last year!

Holiday Favorites Quiz

Favorite Holiday Cookie


Classic sugar cookies decorated with thick icing!

My mom and I used to spend hours decorating cookies when I was a kid. To the point where the last dozen or so would end up with just a big bunch of icing smeared on them and sprinkles added to the tops. Of course the first few dozens would be creative and very detailed.

Favorite Holiday Song

This is a hard one!

But it has to White Christmas or Joy To The World

Favorite Christmas Movie

White Christmas (see my top 10 list)

Favorite Holiday Tradition

This is a tradition that Dan started with me 2 years ago. Each year, he is in charge of buying a Christmas book, wrapping it up, and sliding it under the tree on Christmas eve. When we get home from Church, the book is there from Santa and we read it together before going to bed.

It’s a tradition that his family has always done and I love it.

Favorite Holiday Breakfast

Mimosas and cereal/oatmeal. We used to get a cream cheese stuffed pasty bread as a gift from my mom’s best friend that we would eat. But we have all switched to a lighter breakfast since we eat dinner pretty early.

Favorite Person To Shop For

Dan. I love when he gets really surprised and excited about gifts.

My niece if fun to shop for too! This was her last year… she is going to be so much fun this year now that she is older!

Favorite Way To Open Presents

Stocking first thing when we wake up. Then breakfast/coffee/mimosa and then we all sit with out gifts piled up beside us and take turns opening one at a time.

Favorite Tree Topper

In the 80s and early 90s we had this ridiculous star made of silver tinsel and colored lights. I always smile when I think about that silly star.

It looked a lot like this one, and I can remember just staring up at it and thinking how pretty it was.

Feel free to join in and share a few of your favorites in the comments below! 

For the rest of the day I will be working away, because our holiday schedule gets quite busy beginning tomorrow! My mom, grandmother and sister-in-law are coming over for a girl’s brunch (Dan is being kicked out) and then we have cocktails and gifts with family friends! So I am off to be productive :)

The post Holiday Favorites {Quiz} & Memories appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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