12 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How Many Pairs Of Fitness Shoes Do You Need?

By admin

The other day I posted a picture of a new pair of running shoes I picked up at the outlets. Immediately, I received questions asking how many pairs of fitness shoes do I own and why.

People often ask, do you need multiple pair of running shoes? workout shoes?

It’s time I explain this crazy collection I have going on and help unlock the shoe secrets!

First things first.

Here is my personal collection of exercise shoes:

how many running shoes

Now comes the answer part:

How many pairs of running shoes or exercise shoes does a person really need? 

Answer: One.

Workout shoes aren’t cheap, a good pair can range from $ 75 – $ 150. So I would never tell someone to get a second pair of shoes if what they have is working for them. However, I do tell people that the more often they wear their shoes, the faster they’ll get worn out.

I also suggest that if you do multiple activities in your shoes (running, weights, jumping, etc) then it definitely wouldn’t hurt to have 2 types of shoes… which I’ll explain in a minute.

I want to start off by saying, I am a trainer for a living. Just like business woman have to have dress shoes for work, I have to have workout shoes. I like to look presentable like everyone else, which is one reason why I love having so many options. I’ll also add, that while I have purchased several of the shoes above, a few of them were given to me to review…

For me personally, I would probably have 3 base pairs of shoes that I would buy for myself out of the 7 above.

So let’s cover those…

The 3 Pairs Of Shoes I Can’t Workout Without



1. My Mizuno Wave Riders.

These have been my running shoe of choice for 2 years now and I can’t imagine wearing anything else for road running. I love them and I am loyal to the brand because they have done me well so far. If you are a runner, I recommend having a pair of running shoes specifically for running. Head to a local running store to get a proper fitting to ensure you’re wearing the shoe best for you and your form. It will pay off in the long run (haha, get it?)!




nike2. Puma Formlite & Nike Free Bionics. 

I know I picked two, but I love both of these equally. These are minimal crosstrainers and have turned me into ALWAYS having a pair on hand for gym workouts. They are so comfortable and because of their light weight and minimal design they enhance moves like jumping, squating and balance work.

I seriously love them both, so when they have lived their last workout, I am not sure which pair I’ll invest in to continue.

When it comes to gym workouts, I feel these work so much better than the Mizunos, plus it gives them time off from getting worn.

3. New Balance Trail Running Shoes


These are my new shoes and I am so excited to SLOWLY transition into wearing them more.

Now, for most people, these aren’t suggested. This year I have been introduced to trail running and I love it. I have a big race coming up in November and decided that if I wanted to continue with trails, I needed to start getting the necessary gear… shoes where #1.

After talking with a lot of people and doing research, these New Balance came out on top. They are “barefoot” shoes (Vibrams) and are something I have never worn before. In fact, I never ever thought I would be a barefoot runner. Transitioning into them will be a slow process to avoid injury but I am excited and hoping they will work great for running up and down North Carolina Mountains come November (I also have about 5 I want to do next year).  If you’re thinking about running barefoot, MissZippy wrote a great post on transitioning safely.

I did a mile in them when I first got them but then slipped into my Mizunos. My legs told me they felt great, but my brain knew I should go slow and easy into this huge change.

What About The Others? 

The other shoes are great and I love them all. But to be honest they are more my “work” shoes. I wear them to match with outfits on camera and in classes. I workout in them occasionally but I can take them or leave them. Except for the Mizunos on the bottom… they are my “mud run” shoes.

They survived this past mud run, so I’ll hold on to them for the next! It’s great to have a pair of “trash shoes” available.

These guys have had a good and long life…


How many pairs of workout shoes do you have? 

Are you a shoe or purse kind of person? 

Whip Six Feed

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