16 February 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How the Weather Screws With Your Weight

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When it’s too wet or snowy to wear sneakers outdoors, it can feel too wet and snowy to work out. Case in point: A new poll conducted by Gallup-Healthways found that after Hurricane Sandy, people living on the east coast were twice as likely to skip exercise than people in less affected parts of the country. Adults in the tri-state area were also up to 13 percent less likely to work out regularly after the hurricane, and 7 percent less likely to eat healthfully.

Of course, power outages, serious stress, and higher priorities like cleanup efforts might have skewed the results for good reason. But the truth is, most people tend to exercise less in the winter, anyway. And it makes sense: when it’s cold and dark outside, most people prefer to curl up under covers.

“Weather is such a socially acceptable excuse, we grab it and run—or rather, sit on the couch,” says life coach Laurie Gerber, president of Handel Group Life Coaching. But making excuses and skipping workouts won’t actually make you feel better. And it’ll definitely make you feel worse in the springtime, when it’s harder to hide the evidence of winter laziness: extra pounds.

So, save the excuses for when you’re late for work, and motivate yourself to move in any weather with these tips:

Set a consequence
One reason people aren’t as committed to working out in the winter: Because the consequences (a few extra pounds) are easy enough to hide under bulky sweaters and coats. To prevent a rude awakening this spring, set consequences for skipped gym sessions that you’ll notice now. For instance, if you don’t work out three times this week, commit to sending a Jackson to your least favorite politician. Or take a 2-minute cold shower. Or sleep without a pillow. And tell your housemates to hold you to your word. “This way, your brain will work for you with creative solutions to the weather, rather than convincing you that exercising is unreasonable,” says Gerber.

Save special workouts for awful weather
“When the weather sucks and you can’t imagine leaving the house—don’t,” says fitness expert Dasha Libin, MS, NASM-PES, creator of Kettlebell Kickboxing. Her solution: pop in a workout DVD. Start a collection of yoga, dance, and niche-fitness DVDs before you’re snowed or rained in, but don’t try them. When the next storm hits, you’ll actually be excited to tear off the plastic and try something new.

Try a new winter workout
Snowboarding, skiing, and ice-skating are made for winter, and are also fantastic cardio workouts. Plus, cold conditions boost your metabolic rate to help you burn slightly more calories, according to a 2011 University of Utah study. Plan some trips that you’re excited about, even if it’s just to the local ice skating rink.

Meet your fitness buddy online
There’s no question: a workout wife is a good thing to have. After all, it’s hard to skip a workout when your friend is waiting for you at the gym. That said, you’ll really disappoint her if you risk your life to meet up in severe weather. Instead, use Skype or Facetime to sweat it out together: just pick an at-home workout here, and share the link with your friend. Then turn on the camera, and perform the moves in a place that’s safe, dry, and well lit (so you can see each other).

Give in to your guilty pleasure…with a commercial-break combo
Go ahead–curl up and watch that Housewives, Smash, or Mindy Project marathon. During each commercial break, though, set out to break a sweat with Libin’s four-move workout: do 10 push ups, 10 squat jumps, 30 alternating rear lunges, and finish with a plank hold until the show returns.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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