23 October 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Feel Better About The Reflection In The Mirror

By admin

When You Look In The Mirror… What do you see? 

Do you see a beautiful woman?

A strong, confident woman?

A woman with a purpose?

Do you see honest eyes that glisten with excitement for the day ahead?

Do you see a smile that confirms happiness?


Do you see a skin blemish you didn’t notice yesterday?

Perhaps a line or wrinkle that has you leaning into the mirror to examine it more closely and cursing at your “anti-wrinkle” cream.

Do you see features like saggy skin under your chin, a nose that you wish you could have surgery on, or eye brows that are in desperate need of waxing?


The Truth

My guess is that you notice your flaws first… sadly, it’s normal. We wake up, look in the mirror and immediately start nitpicking at all the things we want to change about ourselves.

Here’s another guess… when you see another woman walking towards you, you see the positives: The gorgeous smile, the kind eyes, the look that says “I am confident” as she mindlessly walks right past you. We see the first half of the list and we wish we could be more like that woman.

Am I right?

No One Notices What You Think

Here’s something that I have recently learned. Okay, maybe not recently, but it’s something the just recently clicked.

People are busy and the scan the surface of things. They don’t have time, nor do they care, that your eyebrows aren’t waxed (unless you have the whole uni-brow thing), they don’t notice the small pimple that is hiding under your bangs, and they certainly don’t notice that extra line that forms when you smile a certain way.

And you shouldn’t either.


Not only that, but all those things that you see as “flaws” are very rarely flaws to others. They make you even more gorgeous.

Here’s a quick story that I’ve shared several times before (sorry for the repeat)…

I have a nose that isn’t exactly “small”. In fact, I may have even called it “Squidward-y” a time or two. I’ve even taken it so far as to  visit a plastic surgeon on what I can do to make it resemble Squidward less. But I didn’t follow through.

Why? Because it’s my nose. It makes me different than other blonde haired, blue-eyed women. It’s unique to me and to be honest, without it, I would feel as if something was missing.

This nose, makes me beautiful… or at least to me.

Seeing Your Real Reflection

Are you a believer that you radiate your inner self through your outer self?

Typically, someone who is happy and excited about life is going to outshine those that aren’t. They’re going to radiate positivity and perhaps even pass some on to the next person in need of extra light.

So let’s start creating your light… your sunshine.

Complete the following challenge every morning for 7 days straight. See what happens and how you feel by the end of the week.

Do it! Seriously.


The Morning Reflection Challenge

  1. If you’re able, have one of your favorite songs playing during the entire challenge.
  2. Stand in front of a mirror, without make-up on and with shoulders held high and start by just smiling at yourself for 30 seconds.
  3. List off 5 positive emotions that you’re feeling, or that you’re going to feel today.
  4. Look at yourself and list off 5 things you LOVE about the reflection looking back at you.
  5. The #1 rule is that you’re not allowed to list off any negative things.
  6. Before lunch, aim to give 2 people an honest compliment. Science shows that giving compliments boosts our own feelings of happiness.

So can you do it? Are you ready to look in the mirror each day and see the beautiful woman that you truly are looking back?

We all have bad days, but we should work to have our good days out numbering them by 10 fold.

Do you like looking in the mirror?

Whip Six Feed

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