19 August 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Make A Good Workout Great: Workout Finishers

By admin

I can’t take credit for what I’m about to share, that goes to Dan.

A few months ago, Dan started added “finishers” to the end of boot camps as a way to push our clients just a smidge more. A way for them to realize that they have more energy and more strength than they thought. A way to end a workout and think… “Wow, I just killed my workout, and I feel great.”

In a nutshell, a finisher is a very fast circuit (we’re talking 3-5 minutes max) that is added to the end of your normal workout. It’s a great way to test your stamina.

There is 1 rule when it comes to doing a finisher…

You have to time yourself. 

Tracking is a lot of fun and something that gets passed over too often when it comes to workouts. When you track yourself, you gain knowledge of where you are in your fitness and give yourself a goal. That goal is of course to beat your previous time. All workouts should be tracked, but if you’re completely new to the idea of tracking, starting with a 5 minute finisher is a great place.

Okay, so now that you know what a finisher is, I thought it would be fun to show you a couple of my favorites. We are in the processes of filming all of our finishers for Fit Womens Weekly members and decided to share these two.


Workout Finishers

Like I mentioned at the end of the show, these are great mini workouts too. If you’re short on time but still want to do something then do both of these, or one of them for 3 rounds. Make them work for you and your schedule!

If you’re more into graphics than videos, here are the finishers! Pin them, print them, or share them! :)

Finisher: “Number “1

workout finishers

Finisher: “Quiet”


Now it’s time to tackle my Monday. After an unexpected lazy weekend, I have far more on my to-do list than I had anticipated.

Q: What’s the first thing you do after you get home from a workout? 

I was my hands, and drink a big glass of ice water!

Whip Six Feed

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