18 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How to Make Decisions… And Stick to Them!

By admin

There are some decisions that you would never think twice about—like marrying Ryan Gosling or avoiding the middle airplane seat. But sometimes even little choices—like jeans and a blouse or a shirtdress—can have you wracking your brain for the best option. Luckily, researchers pinpointed one decision-making tactic that can help: People are more satisfied with their decisions if they perform a physical act of closure (like closing the menu) after they’ve made their choice, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.

Whether you’re shutting your laptop, closing a door, or literally putting a lid on it, researchers call this kind of symbolic behavior “choice closure,” since it triggers the perception that your decision is final, says lead study author Yangjie Gu, PhD candidate at the London Business School.

To test how this affects your happiness with a decision, the researchers conducted several studies in which they asked participants to choose from a selection of products. In one study, participants were asked to pick one type of chocolate from a tray and then either place a transparent lid over the tray or leave it uncovered. They found that people were happier with their choices when they covered the tray after they made a decision—even though they could still see the other options through the transparent lid. In the next study, participants chose a kind of tea from a menu and were either asked to close the menu after making their decision or leave it open. As expected, those who closed the menu were more satisfied with their choices.

Why does this little action have such a major effect? “We think it could be that performing this physical act triggers the mindset of ‘I’m done. I have to move on,’” says study co-author Simona Botti, associate professor of marketing at the London Business School. “You’re concentrating on the chosen option more and not comparing it relative to the other options you rejected.” So the next time you’re stuck second-guessing your dinner option, shut the menu or close the fridge. Not only will you curb your regret, but you’ll be even happier with what you chose.

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photo: BananaStock/Thinkstock


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