08 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How to Make People Laugh

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If you’ve ever watched a good SNL skit, you know that impersonations can be hilarious. Want to spread the giggles yourself? The best way to master an impression is to practice in front of a mirror, according to a study published in Psychological Science.

British researchers videotaped 20 adults as they recited jokes, then asked participants to recreate and photograph four facial expressions featured in their videos. While practicing, some people looked at photos of their attempts, and some rehearsed without any visual feedback. The results: the people who practiced with visual feedback were more spot-on with their impressions, while participants who practiced blindly got worse.

“When you can see what each attempt looks like shortly after you’ve made it, you can better detect errors,” says study author Richard Cook, Ph.D., a professor at the Department of Psychology at City University London. By watching your progress in the mirror, you can associate the physical feelings of certain expressions with what they look like.

But here’s the thing: You’re likely not an SNL star, and if you imitate the people around you all the time, you’re going to find yourself without friends. “If you want to be liked, it’s more important to develop humor skills than imitation skills,” says Peter McGraw, Ph.D, associate professor of marketing and psychology and director of the Humor Research Lab (HuRL) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Fair enough.

To make others laugh and like you more, begin with these pointers:

Tell at least one joke a day
According to McGraw, most people don’t attempt jokes often enough for fear of failure or worse: offending the audience. That’s because the root of humor is “benign violation”: a situation that simultaneously seems wrong, but harmless. (Take tickling, for example: It’s an uncomfortable invasion of your personal space, but it’s OK when you know that the tickler is well intentioned.) Moreover, it’s not easy to nail a joke. To up your odds of eliciting giggles, test new jokes among friends—because they already like you, they’ll be more forgiving if a punch line flops. If you must joke with a stranger, imitate his or her body language (it will put them at ease) and show some teeth. “A smile tells your audience that this is a joke, and that this thing that is wrong [the violation] is OK,” says McGraw. And if your joke still isn’t perceived as funny, or it makes someone uncomfortable? Use this simple save: “I’m just kidding!”

Start with a complaint, and end in an analogy
“Most people don’t like complainers, but they do like humorous complainers,” says McGraw. After all, when you transform something negative into something you can laugh about, it feels less irksome. To craft a joke, identify something that’s negative (awful weather, tasteless food, and deafening noise all work), and compare it to something unrelated that has similar qualities. McGraw’s example: My Internet connection is as slow as a four-year old getting ready for bed. It’s funny because it’s not nice to make fun of four-year olds (violation!), but in this context—an article about jokes that’s written for adults—it won’t hurt a child’s feelings (i.e, it’s benign).

Make yourself the punch line
Most standup comedians open with a self-deprecating joke. Why? “It makes him or her seem more human and likeable,” says McGraw. Moreover, it’s easier to laugh at a joke if you like the comedian, because you trust that they have good intentions. That said, never scrutinize your deep-rooted insecurities when you make fun of yourself. Instead, begin with a light topic like the mismatched outfit you threw on in a hurry, or your unrelenting hat hair.

photo: iStockphoto/Thinkstock

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