06 July 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Not Give A ‘You Know What’ About Calories

By admin

I hope your enjoying a long weekend with the sun on your skin and friends/family around you.

Our morning started off  early, I skipped my run (looking forward to a dusk jog tonight) so that Dan and I could film a workout for an upcoming project.


Check out who’s into social media now! Dan’s all about some Twitter, follow him at @TrainerBoyle! Are you following me? @Femininemuscle

It was absolutely gorgeous. One of those mornings when you feel blessed to be in that spot at that moment. There was even a rainbow behind me which I hope we were able to catch on camera.

I’ll share more about our new project later as we get more organized.

Chill Out… One Day Won’t Kill You

With all the exercise that I do, I get told a lot that I should relax a bit more with my diet.

“You know Taylor, one bad thing isn’t going to destroy you.”

Anyone that is a healthy eater hears this from time to time. Of course it’s true, one bad thing won’t ruin your hard work.

Yet, I see my body not as a trash dump but something that works hard for me and deserves the best.

-I don’t eat crap all the time because I want to feel energized, not run down.

-I want to get stronger, not softer.

-And I’m scared to. 

I remember what it felt like to be 35 pounds heavier. What it felt like to not have clothes that fit. What it felt like to be the “thicker” friend.

fat taylor

I don’t want to ever go back to being that girl again.

That’s why I eat well 80-90% of the time. That’s why I stick with my exercise routine.

Silly? No, fear is a great motivator.

I never want to feel out of shape, fat or insecure (to that extent) ever again in my life.

Why am I bringing all of this up?

Enjoying Life Without Always Thinking About Consequences

Last weekend Dan, Ashton and myself sat down for a podcast.


I know this picture has nothing to do with the post, but I love the “WTH is Ashton doing?” look I’m giving.

As our podcast often do, we started talking about one thing, which led us to another and before long we were talking about own own motives and what keeps up living this life we live.

And what about cheat days? What about restaurants?

I love Ashton because she is so forward with her thoughts. When Dan asked if she would order differently if calorie information was posted up at restaurants/bars… she said NO.

Well, she may have said something like,

“If I want to eat something that I know is bad for me, I will. I might go run a few more miles the next day but I work hard to enjoy life and I don’t give a “ef” about the calories at the time.”

Don’t worry we did a bit of editing, so it’s still safe for the kids to hear.

Anyways, listen to the podcast… we had a blast.

Anytime I have friends over to chat with, we deliver a killer podcast!

What about you…

Would you eat differently if you saw all the nutritional information at restaurants?

Me? You’ll just have to listen to the show.

What The Fitness

Please, make sure to check out What The Fitness on iTunes and give us a rating! The ratings are how we’re able to move up in ranks and become more available to others!

Thanks and have an awesome weekend.

Whip Six Feed

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