06 August 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Train For A Marathon & Be A Marathoner Even If Your Race Gets Washed Away

By admin

How would you react if you trained for weeks and weeks to run your first marathon and then, just days before the race, a flood causes your city to be declared a disaster zone and your race is cancelled?

Well, that’s what happened to my friend Bonnie.

In today’s podcast Bonnie shares her tips on marathon training but also her amazing story. One, I think few of us would be able to mimic.

I don’t want to give too much away, but I will say this… she is a marathoner. And she should also be a race director!

Just SOME of What We Covered: 

  • Training for a marathon
  • How to decide to sign up for a marathon
  • Balancing life and training
  • Fueling the body with the rest food before, during and after runs
  • Her personal story of the Calgary flood earlier this year

If you would rather listen to the podcast instead of watching it, here’s the audio version:

More On Bonnie:

bonnie lang fitness

Bonnie blogs over at BonnieLangFitness.com. She’s also a personal trainer so she has some great information over there!

I had the privilege of running with her at the Blend Retreat when she was training for her 1st marathon. Personally, I just wanted to run in Utah and live to tell about it.

Her passion for fitness and life were instantly contagious and I fell for her aura. Sounds hokie, but she is truly one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met.

survive and thrive

After talking with her, I learned that her husband had been diagnosed with cancer (in his 20′s) and from that successful battle, they created a nonprofit organization, Survive & Thrive, to help other young adult cancer patients.

Her philosophy on life is amazing, and Bonnie strives to make the best of each day… in fact, right now Bonnie is rafting down some river, some where.

To find out more on Bonnie and to help support her cause, check out Survive & Thrive.

I’ll leave you with a few pictures from Bonnie’s personal marathon run, curtesy of BonnieLangFitness.


Would you ever run a race solo? 

If the marathon you run isn’t actually a “race” are you still a marathoner? 

Personally, I would like to think that I would have reacted like Bonnie. I would have grabbed Dan and one of my running partners for support and hit the roads to complete what I had started all those weeks ago.

Yes, if you run 26.2 miles… you’re a marathoner. Even if no one is there to see it, it happened. It’s not like a tree falling in the woods.

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