10 August 2012 ~ 0 Comments

I’m Like An Onion And Today I’m Peeling Off A Layer

By admin

Anyone remember Shrek and his onion-ness? Well I feel I can relate, I find it hard to open up to a lot of people. I can talk your ear off for an hour, don’t get me wrong but in terms of opening up about myself… now that’s a different story. I guess Shrek and I can be onions together.

PGA Golf Time!


Moving on from Shrek, I am so excited for today!

Right now Dan and I are walking around the Ocean Course on Kiawah Island hanging out with Tiger, Phil, Adam, Jim, and all the other golfers participating in the PGA Championship! I’m going to try and get some pictures, but apparently they are very strict about photos being snapped, so fingers crossed.

One of my recent goals is to open up more. While Lifting Revolution is my way to helping spread word about fitness, nutrition and all things health, it’s also about me. I sometimes forget that last part, not thinking that you really want to know about little old me, but several of you have asked me great questions, so maybe you do?

Anyways, I found this great blogger quiz at my friend Katie’s blog Peace Love and Oats. It’s a This or That Fit Quiz. Check out my answers and let me know if you would have answered anything differently!?

This Or That With Taylor

1. Run/Workout in the heat and humidity or in the freezing cold

I hate all aspects of being cold. Give me heat and humidity any day, this southern girl can take it. What I can’t take is wind, burning nose and throat, and finger tips that feel like they want to break off. I hate cold… seriously. I’ve I am cold, I am miserable to be around.

2. Washboard abs or flat stomach

I would love to have a 6-pack, and I would be lying if I said I haven’t been after it for a really long time. But at the end of the day, a washboard stomach is hard to maintain and you have to restrict yourself so much. I love chocolate and wine way too much, so I will stick to a flat stomach.

3. Cardio or strength training

Strength training is my passion. When I feel myself getting stronger or see new definition popping up the feeling is just too powerful. While I love running, it doesn’t compare to after I feel when I max out on deadlifts or pump out pull-ups. Strength training makes me feel like a badass, running just makes me feel at peace.

4. Dr. Oz or The Doctors

I don’t watch TV, so I really don’t know. I keep up with Dr Oz through his newsletters (for inspiration), so I guess I will go with him. Plus I would love to be a guest on his show! Dr. Oz, if you read this, email me!

5. Cravings for Protein or Carbs

Protein for sure. I crave foods like nuts, beans and fish a lot. Fish is the only meat I can honestly say I have been craving since going vegan. I haven’t caved in months but a good tuna steak sounds great right now. I have never been much of a carb craver. I don’t eat bread often at all, not because I don’t like it or because I think it’s bad for you, I simply don’t think about it. Same goes with pasta and other carb loaded foods.

6. Jillian Michaels or Bob Harper

Oh goodness, this is a tough one. There are things I admire about both and things I very much don’t admire about both. But if I have to choose, I guess I would go with Jillian because I would love to talk to her about building her  brand. I would like to work out with Bob though.

7. Frozen Yogurt or Ice Cream

Frozen yogurt 10000000%. I love frozen yogurt and have long before it became the “cool thing”. Dan makes fun of me because for years whenever we have gone to an ice cream place like Cold Stone, I end up with plain vanilla soft serve yogurt and chocolate sprinkles.

8.  Train upper or lower body

Lower body, no contest. I love doing squats, lunges, deadlifts. My legs are strong and I love pushing them. I hate upper body, lol. I do them but I normally complain a bit.

9. Protein powder or foods with protein

Ideally I prefer getting all of my nutrients from whole foods, but protein shakes make it easy to get a great source into my diet. I like SunWarrior and Vega proteins right now. Though I am always looking for a new vegan protein to try. Dan and I love this mung bean fettuchini… one serving has 20 grams of protein. We have this a lot, along with quinoa, lentils, chickpeas and other high protein foods.

10. Lunges or squats. 

Squats, no contest. Squats are my favorite and right now I am working really hard to get my strength up with them.

11. Sweet or salty. 

Oh, you already know the answer to that. Give me sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I will be happy. My favorite treat? Chocolate chip cookies, and white birthday cake with white icing. There is nothing that compares to the pleasure that eating a bite of my favorite sweet treat. lol. Of course moderation!

12. Workout attire: Cute or comfy

Cute and comfie. Since fitness is my job, I treat buying workout clothes like I would if I worked in an office. Instead of suites, I buy whisking tops and workout capris. I make sure that I look professional but I am comfortable at the same time.

13. Body pump or heavy lifting? 

Heavy lifting! I love upping the weight and seeing just what my body can do. While light weight workouts are great for some, I love the challenge of adding more plates and seeing the bar get heavier and heavier. It also helps me track my progress more.

14. Yoga or pilates

I haven’t taken a pilates class before and I am picky about yoga. To be honest I have only taken one yoga class that I really enjoyed, it was a hot yoga. Most other classes, I walk out feeling like I need to go for a run. I’ve heard great things about pilates and “feeling a burn” so I’ll go with that.

15. Nike or Addidas

Neither to be honest. I like some of my Nike clothes, but I hate their shoes and Addidas shoes. They look awesome, but both brands have been known to give me shin splints. Unfortunately I am battling with Nike right now because my GPS watch is broken and I have yet to receive my new one, 3 calls later and still no one can help me figure out where it is. Can you tell I am annoyed right now. Maybe in a month I will have a more clear cut answer.

16. Running on a treadmill or outside

Outside, hands down. I love running around the city. I always appreciate Charleston more when I go for runs. Plus I can focus on things around me, as opposed to the treadmill where I am stuck starring at the screen.

17. Whole Foods or Trader Joes

I shop at both! They are right next door to each other, crazy? I love the prices at TJ’s but sometimes the quality of their produce isn’t up to par. With that, if I had the money to get all my groceries at WF, I would.

18. Summer or Winter Olympics.

Dan and I were just debating this the other night at dinner. While he thinks the winter games are the best, I love the summer games. Gymnastics is my favorite sport, followed by swimming. Perhaps it’s also because I hate the cold, so I am naturally drawn to the summer!

19. Exercises classes or videos

This is a tough one! I am extremely competitive so I would have to go with classes. I will push myself with everything I have to beat everyone around me… Yes, I am “that girl”, can’t help it.

20. Steamed or roasted veggies

Roasted! We eat roasted veggies just about every night. Tonight we had roasted brussel sprouts and sweet potato wedges. I know steamed is overall better, but roasting is so easy and the crispness is my favorite. Let’s see just this week we’ve roasted: eggplant, zucchini, okra, b.sprouts, sweet potatoes, and green tomatoes! All of which were yum.


Pick 3 above and say which you would choose! Love hearing your interest.

Whip Six Feed

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