16 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

I’ve Got Nothing But Love To Give

By admin

On a day that is suppose to be about celebrating hard work, dedication and passion, we were instead dealt a low blow leaving us all in a state of shock, confusion, disbelief and above all, sadness.

I had a blog post written today, but in the wake of yesterday’s Boston Marathon I feel it’s best to take a day of silence. Please instead of reading the post today, I ask you to send your thoughts and prayers to those effected by the tragic bombing.



I am angry.

I am sad.

I am confused.

I am strong.

I am motivated…

Motivated more than ever to try to spread as much positivity as I possibly can to this world. With so much negativity and unrest in the world, it’s all that I can offer.

Please remember that your acts make an impact. Each day you’re able to make one small contribution and you never know, that contribution could have a great impact on someone elses life around you… someone you may not even know. Your generosity, love and hope counts.

Today, however, send those positive vibes to Beantown.

be positive


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