28 January 2013 ~ 0 Comments

I’ve Overtrained My Poor Legs, Now What? Kitchen Time To Make Raw Vegan Energy Bars

By admin

Yay for Mondays. I know Mondays are not often a day to look forward to but I have decided to embrace them and look at it as a great motivator to start the week off right. Who’s with me?

Another great thing about Mondays? It’s Lifting Revolution’s Fitness & Nutrition Show day!

Whoop whoop.

This Week’s Episode:

  • How to make your own raw vegan no-bake energy bars (In less than 5 minutes)
  • How I am recovering from too much training

5 Minute No Bake Raw Vegan Energy Bars

vegan raw easy energy bars


  • 2 Cups of your favorite nuts
  • 12-15 pitted, soaked dates (only soak for about 20 minutes)
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter, all natural
  • 1 ounce dark chocolate (70%+)

Other possible add-ins: Coconut, dried fruit, cinnamon, vanilla… you can get creative here.


  1. Just blend it all up, spread it on a slightly greased pan and freeze for about 30 minutes to help with cutting.
  2. Cut into squares, bag up, and you’re good to go!


My Post Training Rest Plan

After back to back intense events, I am taking a well deserved week off. No, I am not avoiding fitness all together but my legs deserve some R&R. Rest is just as important, if not more so than exercise (assuming you’ve been exercising that is). If you want to be the best, then listen to your body and give it some peace and love from time to time.

If you haven’t taken a week of from exercising in months, then take a vacation from the gym!

Here is my plan for a recovery week: 

Monday: 2-3 mile jog

Tuesday: Yoga

Wednesday: 3 mile jog

Thursday: Light weights, mostly body weight

Friday: Rest/Out of Town

Saturday: Out of Town: Run 4-5 miles

This is much less intense than my typical week and you know what?

I don’t feel bad at all about it. I know my body needs to recover as it is screaming “OVERTRAINING”. My legs are week, I am tired, my appetite is off and overall the idea of working out sounds worst than a trip to the dentist. All are signs of classic overtraining.

And that’s a wrap!

I would love to hear from you!

What would you like to see on the show? 

What’s your favorite flavor energy bar?

The post I’ve Overtrained My Poor Legs, Now What? Kitchen Time To Make Raw Vegan Energy Bars appeared first on Lifting Revolution for Women – Change Your Life With Taylor.

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