18 November 2013 ~ 0 Comments

I Chose To Live Life

By admin

Hi Friend! Happy Monday!

Dan and I had a packed weekend spent with friends and celebrating. Yesterday we danced the night away at a wedding and by the time we got home, decided to have an impromptu date night.

So… with that, I guess you can say I decided to live life instead of writing about it yesterday.

I have some amazing posts planned for the week (tomorrow, I can’t wait to share a new podcast) and I’m even going to try to stop back in this afternoon.

But for now, here are a couple of pictures from our evening yesterday. The amazing time we had made us remember that sometimes stepping away from work and just living the moment is what life is all about.

So I chose to live life to the fullest and I encourage you to as well!


The clouds rolling away right before the ceremony took place. This wedding was at a beautiful location on John’s Island South Carolina. The Island House was the perfect place to tie the knot!


Boot campers celebrating with the bride! The best time!

Dan and I literally danced from the first song until it was time to toss bird seed on the bride and groom. We had the best time and didn’t want it to end! Thanks Jessica and Robert for including us in your special day.

What did you do this weekend?

Whip Six Feed

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