02 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

I Feel The Need, The Need For Speed: Tips On Accomplishing More Each Day

By admin

Oh Sunday, how I love you. The one morning that I get to avoid an alarm clock, wake up with sunshine coming into the room, make my favorite pancake breakfast, and sit down to enjoy it with my husband.

I hope your day is off to a great start too!

We slept in a bit later than normal because we stayed out a bit later, watching the Clemson game with our friends.

Great company, great food and a great game made for a, well, great Saturday night!

Because I am the only vegan in the group, I decided to put together some vegan munchies:

Endive leaves with salad and almonds (drizzled with balsamic)

Mini Apple Pies with homemade whipped topping (I used Angela’s coconut milk technique).

To make the whipped cream perfect for apples, I added in a bit of nutmeg and cinnamon as I was whipping it up!

The apple bites were awesome! I am definitely have a great time experimenting with all these apples! If you have any ideas of what I should try next, please let me know. Apple dumplings perhaps?

The endive bites… I wasn’t 100% excited about. They were good but I think there was something missing, so I’ll keep working on it!

Laboring Away On A No Labor Day!


I know that most people are off tomorrow because of Labor Day, however, when you work from home the labor never stops. Dan and I will be having a normal Monday, working away, teaching boot camps, writing for a few freelance projects and working to move forward!

But for those of you that do get to enjoy the long weekend, that means that on Tuesday you might be greeted with quite a pile of work to play catch up with.

And because we all want to accomplish as much as we can in a day so we feel like Superwoman, I thought I would share what I do to try to make the most out of each day… working from home it can be easy to get distracted so it’s important to have these methods to stay focused and on track!

How To Accomplish As Much As Possible Each Day


Make a To-Do List. I’ve been practicing around with this for a long time. I’ve gone between writing out a to do list in a notebook to using different apps on the computer to trying just using my desktop calendar. What I’ve personally found is that it’s best for me to write it down. I keep a small spiral notebook by my side and each time I have something else to do, I write it down quickly.

Plus, I like to cross things off the list! Just tackle your to-do list in order of importance.

This helps me so much, because otherwise I have been known to ask myself (or Dan).. “What was it I was going to do?” I hate that!

Time Yourself. This is one of my favorite things to do. I am notorious to getting into a grove and then not wanting to stop out of fear of losing focus. But we all need to stop from time to time, take a breather, stretch out legs, and recollect our thoughts. You do better in the long run by doing so.

To make it happen, set a timer for 60 minutes, for that hour stay focused, don’t let anything take you away from the task in front of you. Once that hour is up, get up for 10-15 minutes… go for a quick walk, grab some water or a quick snack, or just rest.

For me at least, I have seen that I devote myself so much more to that “work time” because I know I have a set time.

Set A Schedule. This goes with your to-do list and is just as equally important. Plan out the day on how you’re going to tackle your list. How long should each thing take you? Making a schedule also helps to make sure yo don’t overload yourself.

It can be really frustrating to have a dozen things on your list, yet you only get through 7 of them. With the schedule you will be able to see what might needs to be pushed off to the next day.

And don’t forget to schedule in things like: gym, lunch, taking kids to practice, etc. These things need to be fit in too!

Keep Your Area Tidy. Unfortunately I am not the best at this one, but I am working on it! I am so much more productive during the day when the space around me is uncluttered and organized. I guess that means that at the start of the week I am on my “A” game, but as the week progresses, my game is more like a “B” or “C” because of the mess that builds up on the desk around me.

Disorganization is proven to increase anxiety and mismanagement of time. Keep your space around you clean and try to make it “happy” by adding flowers, pictures and positive quotes.

Move Around. I have a lot of friends that get to work at 8am, eat lunch at 12, and leave work at 5pm. During their work day they only time they move is during lunch. And even then a lot of times it is just to the office cafeteria.
Sitting at a desk all day is exhausting! It can affect productivity, mood, and energy levels. Make it a point to get up each hour to stretch your legs, take some deep breaths and reenergize yourself!

Because Dan is home for longer periods of time each day than me, it’s not unnatural for me to look up and see him pumping out push-ups, or doing some exercises on the TRX-system… simply to help increase his blood flow and get himself back into the “groove”.

  • How do you stay motivated and productive? 
  • Do you keep your work space clean? 

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