12 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

I’m Not Shaving For 2 Full Weeks: Barefoot Theory Preps Me For Our Biggest Adventure Yet

By admin

Yup, come September I’ll be a stereotypical hippie.

For two week’s I’ll have to forgo:

Shaving, make-up, hair products (even shampoo), toiletries… pretty much everything.

I’ll smell, I’ll be dirty and I know I’ll be having the time of my life.

And I’ll have my husband right there beside me.


We will wake up each morning to views like this:


Remember when I said that this is our year for adventure?

We’re really worked hard to try and live up to our dreams. One of them being to hike the John Muir Trail in California.

The John Muir Trail is a gorgeous 215 mile trail running from Yosemite to Mt Whitney. The terrain is every changing, the views are mind-blowing and it’s truly the experience of a lifetime.


The only problem is that many people agree with me. The park service has worked very hard to maintain the environment and has several rules and regulations for hikers in order to keep nature, natural.

One rule…

Limiting the number of permits handed out to keep the tourists at a controlled amount. Permits are actually hard to get and have to be applied for exactly (to the day)24 weeks in advanced (168 days).

So when Dan and I decided we were interested, we studied and read a lot about the trail and the best time to go. I’m very sensitive to misquitos and REALLY wanted to beat the peak bug season, so September was our goal.

The weather is calming down from summer and bugs are supposed to be disappearing. September also happens to be the month of our 5th wedding anniversary!

It was a sign.

Last month, I put our request for a permit, and to our surprise it was approved!


Come September 23rd, Dan and I will be heading into the wilderness for 2 weeks!

If you had told me 5 years ago that this is how we would be spending our anniversary, I would have laughed in your face!


It’s amazing how our passions and hobbies have changed. I never thought Dan would be the camping type, and now we’re spending our evenings researching tents, bear canisters (those things are expensive!) and hiking shoes.

But we need all the help we can get!

Barefoot Theory’s Kristen Helps A Woman Out


Last week I sat down with the beautiful Kristen. Her blog Bearfoot Theory is filled with living her fitness through amazing adventures. What I love most about Kristen, is her “everydayness”. Yes, that’s a word.

She shows that you don’t have to be an insane rock climber or athlete to take advantage of everything around. You don’t have to leave work for weeks to explore and you don’t have to be a “granola hippie” to be one with nature.

Her goal is to show that EVERY woman can get out and live their adventures, whatever they might be!


Kristen spent 3 weeks last year doing what Dan and I are prepping for… the John Muir Trail (check out all of her recaps/tips here).

I knew she could help me out by answering my questions and relieving my biggest fears.


Not into hiking for weeks at end?

Don’t worry, her words of wisdom are for all of us and can be used in so many different circumstances…

  • What happens when you wake up and realize your life isn’t living up to your expectations? Can you change it?
  • Solitude is scary, how do you adjust from hustle and bustle to quiet and secluded?
  • Lions and tigers and bears (oh my): how to handle the wilderness safely
  • How to adjust back to life after weeks away?
  • The life changing lessons that happens when you step away from “normal”
  • How to become physically fit for carrying a 35+ lb backpack
  • Way more!

Kristen and I could have continued to talk all day.

She offered so many golden nuggets and resources to help as we plan out this insane trip! And seriously, if you’re not into hiking and not washing, you’ll still enjoy listening to Kristen!

This girl is awesome.

Make sure to check out her blog…

Important note: ALL images of the trail are from Kristen’s John Muir experience. She’s an amazing photographer!

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever done?

At this point in my life, the coolest thing I’ve done is quitting my “real job” to pursue my passion. It’s been a ride so far, and even though it’s been a few years, I still pinch myself!

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