07 March 2014 ~ 0 Comments

It’s A Day For Lots Of Love

By admin

Happy Friday! We made it through another week, which hopefully means we’re one week closer to spring? Forget the fact that my birthday is in a month, just give me some sunshine on my face and temperatures that allow me to walk Zoe long enough to actually have it be considered a walk.

But this post isn’t about complaining, it’s about love. Lots of love.

Mind if I share a few things I am really gung-ho about lately? And a few blog posts from the blog-world that really resonated with me?

Okay, cool. Thanks!

Things I’m REALLY Loving Lately

My Brooks Ravenna 5s


I love Mizunos and was loyal to them for 3 years. I’m almost positive that they were not the cause of my recent foot injury, yet I couldn’t help but associate them with it. So I decided, it was time for a change (plus, I really did need a new pair of running shoes).

I visited my friend, Katie, at FleetFeet and had her do a proper shoe fitting (which I do EVERY time I buy a new pair). After trying on a couple of shoes that she recommended, I went with these.

So far… they’re awesome. Cushioned, tight enough in the toe box, but loose enough to not have them hurt the top of my feet (a problem I get a lot).

I did a long run in them last weekend, and they did awesome. After several other runs this week, they have proven to be good enough to replace my Mizunos (for now).

Smoked Salmon


Really… I am addicted. I mentioned last weekend that Whole Foods and EarthFare (love EarthFare!) both sell their own smoked salmon trimmings and I am in heaven. $ 4 for a tub, instead of paying $ 9 for the brand name stuff?

And it taste just as good! The only problem is that I can go through the tub in 3 days. Self control is the goal for the upcoming week!

It’s okay though because salmon has so many great benefits: 

    • Great source of protein (which is good, as I am working to up my intake)
    • Excellent source of Omega-3s: great for heart health, brain health and even skin and hair.
    • High in Vitamins A, B, and D: 4 oz of salmon gives you a full day’s requirement of Vit D! During the winter… very important!
    • Metabolism booster? One study I ready said that it helps speed up your metabolism and facilitates sugar absorption to lower blood sugar levels. Not so sure, but if it’s true, sweet! I’ll do some more research on this one.

Nana’s Cookies


OMG… these are awesome! These all-natural cookies are also gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free and contain no refined sugar.

The company sent me a few to try, and a lucky Challenge winner will also receive them. I promise they don’t disappoint. I was only disappointed when they were all gone.

These cookies are super soft, thick and full of flavor. The ginger was my favorite, and the lemon not far behind! Because of the simple ingredient list, I might have to see if I can make a batch myself??

A perfect treat at the end of the day with a big mug of coffee or hot chocolate.

Mary Kay’s Nourishine Plus Lip Gloss (in Au Naturel) 


What? I actually where make-up? I know it’s a shocker, since I never talk about fashion or make-up here. But believe it or not, I do like to look pretty from time to time.

I am a big fan of Mary Kay’s make-up. My powder, blush, and mascara are all Mary Kay, and I love it.

My newest find was this lip gloss. I love wearing lip stick and gloss but Dan hates it. So I compromised and went with this natural shine gloss. It’s awesome.

Thick, but not gunky. Adds just enough shine without making me feel as if I have vaseline on my lips.

To be honest, I have yet to buy any make up from Mary Kay that I haven’t loved!

Links I Am Loving

Let’s move the love away from me and onto some fellow bloggers.

Here are some awesome articles that caught my attention. If you have the opportunity, I absolutely recommend that you check them out!

Dealing With Pressure (PeaceLoveandOats.com):

We can all relate to dealing with the desire to keep up with everyone. To push our bodies as hard as everyone else seems to be doing. To feel deflated upon looking at everyone elses awesome recaps… just read it to relate!

12 Things You Should Clean More Often (TheLeanGreenBean.com):




Eye opener, and now I will be spending a bit longer scrubbing my house today! Oh, and I also realized my fans have got to get vacuumed! <— anyone else forget about the fans until their off and you look up? OMG, it’s embarrassing.

61 Lessons From 2000 Blog Posts (RunToTheFinish.com)

2000 posts? Amanda is my hero, and I can’t wait for the day to achieve such a blogging mile stone. Her passion for her craft shows in each and every post. Each lesson is important, and I can’t wait to pick her brain when she is here (in 3 weeks!) for the Palmetto 200!

What If Everybody Ran (ItzLinz.com)


I love this new campaign that Mizuno has put together. What a fun study… Linz talks about what changes would occur in the world if we all ran. Sure, we might get more fit, health cost could go down, but what about divorce rates and smiling? Check it out!

And that concludes this love fest! If you have any links or recent loves, please feel free to share them down below! I’m always on the lookout for great things! I also just received a new pair of headphones as a gift, that I can’t wait to test out tomorrow on my run!

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