24 November 2014 ~ 0 Comments

It’s Okay To Be Thankful But Not Content With Life

By admin

This is the week where we all look in the mirror and thank God (or whoever) for what we’re grateful for.

It’s the time where we realize how much we take for granted and how truly special/blessed we all are. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs all we really require, in order, is:

  1. Physiological needs (food, water, air)
  2. Safety (shelter, security)
  3. Love & belonging <— I think is a gift not a requirement.


If we have those three things then the rest is just a huge bonus… and I think 99.999% of us can say we all have some amazing bonuses to be thankful for this week, and every week.

But as I sit here, listening to my family laughing and catching up with one another, I can’t help but to be filled with a feeling of love and drive.

I’m thankful for this gorgeous house we’re calling our home for the next 5 days, and for the families that will be here (my parents are coming for Thanksgiving). I’m thankful for my husband and our life together.

I feel blessed, but I’m not satisfied. I think that’s okay.

Blessed, But Not Satisfied


Life… you work hard to make the best of this short life that we’ve been given.

During this week, it’s often expected that we realize that our life isn’t so bad and that we should be more content with the good fortunes we have.

That’s bullshit.

I’m thankful for the roof over my head, but I’m not content with it. I’m thankful for the business that Dan and I have built but I’m not content with it. I’m thankful for my body, but I’m not content with it.

Being thankful doesn’t mean settling.

I thank God every single day for allowing me the opportunity to do something different. To break the mold and create our own path. And if I said I was thankful for where my life was RIGHT NOW, I would be cutting myself short.

Yes, we can pay our bills, go do mini adventures, and control our own schedule… for that I’m extremely thankful. But it doesn’t mean I want to be HERE forever, or even much longer. We crave more, we desire to be more.

Does that make sense?

Never One To Settle

I’ve never been one to settle. There are times I am burnt out and need a week or two to chill out and clear my head. But thankfully, I have a drive to build and become better.

That’s what I’m thankful for today: The Ability To Change.

I’m thankful for my blessings but not satisfied. Does that make me selfish? No, it makes me driven.

We are suppose to change. In fact, over the course of the past 12 months I have changed more than I have over the previous decade. It’s been my biggest personal growth spurt to date.

So to end this rant so that I can go spend time with my amazing family, I want to end on the changes I’m thankful for…

I’m Thankful For Change

readhead-kettlebells (1 of 1)

  • Opening doors to our first physical gym and learning to take a “owner” role with the business and employees.
  • Learning that criticism isn’t always bad or meant to be an attack. People offering criticism are showing they care.
  • Learning to love my body… 10 pound weight gain, new muscles, new strength, new abilities, new confidence!
  • Kettlebells! They have changed my life!
  • Saying good-bye to blonde and embraces a saucy redhead!
Tell me… what is one change you’ve encountered this year?

Whip Six Feed

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