14 March 2014 ~ 0 Comments

JAVAPRO: Mocha Irish Cream Protein Shake

By admin

*The following post in on behalf of my partnership with FitFluential. While the product JAVAPRO was sent to me, all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

…And the shake recipe below is darn delicious! 

We’ve made it to Friday! Perhaps it was with the luck of the Irish, but it was a good week! Especially when it came to the mail.

Dan received his new BEASTLY kettlebell (so big I can’t swing it once!) and I received:


I love Angela and have been so excited about her cookbook. I actually pre-ordered a few months ago. This is the first cookbook that I am actually reading cover to cover. And my goal is to make at least 3 recipes/week. I’ll keep you posted!

I also received this:


Nature’s Best sent me a bag of the Mocha JAVAPRO to try, and though I haven’t used whey protein in years, I agreed.

I knew that Nature’s Best puts out high quality food and supplements, so I prayed that the whey wouldn’t be cheap or low quality.

Plus, it includes real coffee… and caffeine! As a coffee fanatic, I’ll try anything! I wake up at 5am, and leave my house by 5:15am to make it to my first morning boot camp. Most nights, I toss together a shake in a mason jar and grab it as I head out the door.

I thought that perhaps with the caffeine, the JAVAPRO would make a perfect on the go breakfast to wake me up for my 30 minute drive to class.


The first morning, I kept things borings… Into the mason jar went the protein, a scoop of peanut butter and almond milk. I wanted to get a good feel for the protein and see how my body would react (whey makes me bloated!).

Luckily, it was delicious and reminded me of my iced peanut butter latte I indulge in during the summer.

No stomach issues to report!

Then I decided to step it up and this is what happened…


Oh my yes!

Mocha Irish Cream Protein Shake

We’re celebrating St Patricks day this weekend, so you can say it’s been on my mind. This was absolutely mind blowing and perhaps my new favorite shake! Thick, creamy, decadent and oh so good for you.


1 Banana, Frozen

1.5 Scoops JAVAPRO

1.25 Cups Almond Milk (or milk of choice)

1 Tsp Irish Cream Flavoring*

Blend is up and voila!

*If you don’t have Irish Cream Flavoring available, you can use peppermint extract, Irish Cream Coffee Creamer (1 serving size), or go all out and use Baileys!

I actually doubled the recipe, so that I could jar a shake for tomorrow.


The Good & The Bad

I really am loving the JAVAPRO, though of course, I wish it wasn’t whey protein, it is at least high quality, not grainy at all, and very “light” on my stomach compared to brands I’ve tried in the past.

Another downside, you can’t go crazy with your add-ins. Dan loves blueberries in his shakes and adds green supplements. He tried to make his “normal” shake with the JAVAPRO, and let’s just say coffee + blueberries + greens + whatever else he puts in = not good… at all.


But for coffee lovers, this stuff rocks! Each serving has 80 mg of caffeine from real coffee; 20g of whey protein and just 110 calories and 1g of sugar.

For a family that uses nothing but vanilla flavored protein, this has been a fun change.

All in all, would I buy this for myself? Surprisingly yes, I would. Mainly because knowing that the caffeine and coffee is in there, helps me wake up which is something I am always needing help for my early morning wake ups. I still choose the vanilla for afternoon snacks, but for breakfast shakes… breakfast and coffee in one. Two birds, one stone… yes!

>>Are you a coffee drinker?<<

Before I sign off, here are a few things that deserve mention today.

LungLeavin’ Day


A few weeks ago, I received an email from a reader who’s wife had been diagnosed with an aggressive cancer, Mesothelioma… here’s what he had to say:

 “Eight years ago, my wife Heather was diagnosed with mesothelioma; a rare cancer that kills most people within 2 years of diagnosis.  She had just given birth to our daughter Lily, and was only given 15 months to live.  After a life saving surgery that included the removal of her left lung, LungLeavin’ Day was born.  On February 2nd, we celebrated 8 years of Heather being cancer free.

The purpose of LungLeavin’ Day is to encourage others to face their fears!  Each year, we gather around a fire in our backyard with our friends and family, write our biggest fears on a plate and smash them into the fire.  We celebrate for those who are no longer with us, for those who continue to fight, for those who are currently going through a tough time in their life, and most importantly, we celebrate life!

We created an interactive page mesothelioma.com/heather/lungleavinday that tells the full story of our special day. Although the day has passed, we hope you will still check it out.  It would mean so much to Heather and I. Thank you so much, Cameron.”

Wow, Heather seems like an incredibly strong woman! please take a minute to check out the site and show support.

A Mother Runner Party

For my Charleston friends, my peeps over at Fleet Feet are hosting a fun event on April 8th with the authors of  Run Like A Mother, Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea. They run the site, AnotherMotherRunner.com <– check it out, they’re cool ladies!

It’s a free event and everyone who attends gets an awesome swag bag full of free running gear worth over $ 40! Oh, and you don’t have to be a mom to attend! The 8th is a Tuesday, so I am going to see if I can get the hubs to cover classes so I can head over for the event!
It looks like a ton of fun, you can find out more and RSVP at http://www.fleetfeetmountpleasant.com/motherrunner
>>What do you have planned for this weekend?<< 

Whip Six Feed

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