04 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Jump’N Pass Kettlebell Workout

By admin

It’s time for a new workout! I am so happy that you guys liked last week’s kettlebell workout so we’re going to keep that theme going.

I’m definitely getting stronger with my new 20-Kg, but not quite strong enough to be able to do all of my main moves. Not yet at least!

I would hate to end up on one of those YouTube compilation videos of the people who bomb their workouts.

No thank you.

This workout is a cardio doozy. Well, it’s also a muscle burning doozy. I guess you can say it covers all the bases and will have you sweating like a man before you’re even half way done.

Sounds like fun, right? Oh yes.

And I almost forgot, I’m bringing back a long lost friend today… the jump rope!

The Jump’N Pass Workout

Told you it was a good one!

I know you’re anxious to get this workout done and done, so let’s quickly go over the moves.


Jump Rope

  • Make sure to have a good jump rope. If you try to use your kids’ you’ll grow frustrated every time you mess up. This is the one I have and I LOVE it* (and it’s only $ 4.99)!
Kneeling Press With 1/2 Windmill

  • Get down on one knee. Whatever knee is off the ground is the arm you will be holding the kettlebell in.
  • Clean the weight up, complete a press and while the kettlebell is in the extended position, push your hip out and lower down to the ground. Hand and then ftp forearm if you’re able.
  • Squeeze your butt to bring your hips back to position while simultaneously returning to start position!
Passing Lunges

  • Keep the chest up, shoulders back as you complete a reverse lunge. While stepping back simply bring the kettlebell between your legs and switch grips.
  • Return to start and repeat going the other direction!
Alternating 1-Handed Swings

  • We’ve done single handed swings before, now we are just adding a hand off back and forth. Easy peasy!
  • Concentrate on a straight back, pushing the hips back, and using the thrust to power the kettlebell up. At the top, switch hands and repeat!

What happens if you don’t have a jump rope? You can either pretend to jump rope, or do a different form of cardio… mountain climbers or sprints are very wise choices!

Mountain Climbers

Remember, if you like this workout, please share!

Let me know how it goes. After I did this workout, my butt was feeling it the next day!

Which do you prefer: exercising outside or inside?

It’s been hot here, but so pretty that I can’t help but want to take my kettlebell out in the fresh air! I love outdoor workouts.

Whip Six Feed

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