24 August 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Lifting Revolution News: That Time I Broke My Leg Rock Climbing

By admin

I have a tendency to take a very long time to a story.

Dan often says, Just get to the point already.”

So that’s what I’ll do.

Saturday afternoon, I broke my leg.


This wasn’t the post I originally had scheduled for day. Instead it was a great podcast and piece regarding the “Jill Of All Trades” Syndrome.

Don’t worry, it will be up tomorrow morning.

Instead, I wanted to let you guys know immediately since something like this affects the blog.

If you don’t care about a broken leg, it won’t hurt my feelings if you aren’t into the post today. Just make sure to come back tomorrow!

If like me, you like a long story, here it is…

How I Broke My Leg


The day started with an epic way. We held our annual This Time Fitness Field Day…





Afterwards, we were filled with energy so Dan and I decided to head over to the climbing gym to work on our routes.

I was determined to get a route I’ve been working on for a while now. I got there, laced up my shoes, said hey to some friends and got started.

First time, nope. But I was so so close.

My friend could tell it was all mental and reminded me to go for it. The mat was below me and I was clearly able to get it.

I chalked up my hands, took a deep breath and went for it.

The final reach I needed included a little jump. I reached, jumped and my fingers grazed the wall, but didn’t quite grip it. I slipped down, expecting to have a soft landing on the padded mat. Instead I landed about 6 inches off the landing mat (still on a matted floor).

Because of my angled leap, I landed with more weight on my left leg. I immediately heard a snap.

I’ve never heard a snap before, it was the worst. If you’ve broken something, do you know that sound I’m talking about? It’s enough to send chills down the spine. Like nails on a chalkboard.

It didn’t hurt that bad, but that “snap” stuck with me and I knew immediately what happened which sent me into tears.

Everything happened so quickly.

Before I had time to really react, there was an ice pack on my leg, people trying to keep me calm and Dan packing our stuff up. I just kept telling everyone, I wasn’t crying because of pain… I was crying because of how this would affect my life (livelihood and schedule).

After what seemed like just a few minutes, Dan picked me up in his arms and loaded me in the car.

False Celebrations

After x-rays, we sat waiting for the results. I’d already accepted the fact of a break and would randomly break into tears thinking of our trips, races, work schedule, film schedule and more. This would set our website plans back months.

Then the PA came in. She sat down, gave a smile and said the x-rays were read as “normal” from the radiologist.

Diagnosis? A sprang.

What? Being the emotional freak I am, I started crying with excitement. She told me with just a few days of rest, I should be good to go! I should be back to 100% by mid week.

I have never felt such relieve in my life. Our work goals and Glacier Mountain Trip were still on. YES!!!

She mentioned that the radiologist had read the films but she had not looked at them yet. She wanted to glance over them herself but would then have my discharge papers brought in.

After a few minutes, she returned and my heart sunk. I knew if all was good a nurse would bring our papers.

“I’m sorry Mrs Boyle, the radiologist read your films incorrectly. There is a nondisplaced fibula fracture. I’m so sorry.”

I threw my head down into my hands and began sobbing.

What a mean joke. To tell someone they look fine, to even say they would be normal in a few days, just to turn around and tell them they’ll be in a cast for the next 6-weeks.


What’s All This Mean?

In terms of Lifting Revolution, Youtube and This Time Fitness…

  • It means no filming. Right now I am in a soft cast where I can not put any pressure on it until my real cast gets put on in a week or so.
  • It means putting a pause on things. We are halting our new programs we’ve been planning out until mid October.
  • It means pushing off goals. All of the goals that I talk about in tomorrow’s post are also placed on hold.

In terms of my life…

  • Canceling our trip. We are canceling our Glacier National Park trip and will hopefully be able to refund our tickets or at least be able to reschedule.
  • No Races. I had a few races scheduled which won’t be happening. While disappointing, this isn’t as upsetting as the rest. There will always be more opportunities for races.
  • Cars. I have a stick shift. I’m in the process of getting a rental now so that Dan has a few days to master driving it before taking it over for the next few weeks.

The bigger picture…


Yes, things could be worst. People out there are suffering with far more than I am.

But I recently heard on a podcast (not sure which one) is that it’s all relative.

It could be worse. But for me, this sucks.

And it’s okay to be upset about it. I shouldn’t feel embarrassed to be sad that I won’t be swinging a kettlebell for over a month.  I am not embarrassed to say my heart is broken that we won’t be going on a trip we’ve been planning for a year. I shouldn’t be embarrassed that I am afraid of how my body will change and I’m worried about being soft.

I know this too shall pass. I know I’ll recovery and I know that I can modify training over the coming weeks. Which I will do as the pain lessons up and my real cast is put on.

But for now, I’m hanging in there!

And yes, there will likely be some cast workouts along the way!!

Thanks guys for all the support I’ve already received via email, facebook and instagram. You are all amazing!

Happy Monday! See you back tomorrow with a much happier and awesome post!

Just have patience with me over the coming weeks!

Have you ever broken a bone?

I’ve broken my wrist, a few fingers, my nose and had a few stress fractures. Hopefully, this is the last break!

Whip Six Feed

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