10 September 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Losing Weight In The City: City Socialite Drops 50 Pounds

By admin

When I first started blogging, I kicked off my writing journey by reading other bloggers. I loved discovering their stories, and learning how to blog successfully.

One of those bloggers, was Theodora, from LosingWeightInTheCity.com.

losing weight in the city

I instantly loved reading about her New York City lifestyle; her ability to juggle both healthy living and indulgent nights out with friends; and her Central Park routes for running. Maybe it had something to do with the fact I have never been to the Big Apple, and I am extremely intrigued by it all.

Above all, I think I immediately fell for her passion and honesty. Theodora has had to work at her fit life… creeping up towards 200 pounds isn’t fun and it was an eye opener for her.

When she decided enough was enough, she took action.



No longer would she allow herself to feel squished in an airport seat. No longer would she buy clothes she hated because of the size. And no longer would she feel self conscious about the reflection starring back at her each morning.

She set out to drop 50 pounds… and did just that!

But what’s more impressive is that Theodora has been able to keep it off… for years now. She’s such an inspiration that she has been featured in several big magazines such as Women’s Day and Cosmopolitan! And now she’s my guest today on What The Fitness…

What The Fitness: 50 Pound Weight Loss & Maintenance 

Thanks again to Theodora for coming on the show today!

Find out more from Theodora: 

Website: LosingWeightInTheCity.Com

Twitter: @Tblanchfield

Facebook: /LosingWeightInTheCity

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