18 May 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Love Your Body: Improving Your Body Image

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Body Image


I have a bump on my nose, wide hips, and thick thighs. Wait, let’s try that again: I love the unique bump on my nose, which I inherited from my beautiful grandmother…I love how it feels when my fiancĂ© wraps his arms around my hips…I love that my thighs are strong…There, that feels better.

“Look at your body in terms of what it can do, rather than just the appearance of it,” says body image expert Dr. Robyn Silverman, author of the book Good Girls Don’t Get Fat: How Weight Obsession Is Messing Up Our Girls and How We Can Help Them Thrive Despite It. Rather than critiquing ourselves, we should be motivating each other. So much of my wedding planning has been centered around how I will look on the big day, but what about how I feel? Light bulb!

Learn how to love your body…Plus: read what our Facebook fans said they love most about their bodies!

Don’t be a self critic

When you find yourself feeling bad about a body part or trait ask, “Where is that coming from? Whose voice is that? Is it the voice of an ex-boyfriend…” says Dr. Robyn. For instance, I tend to criticize my round face, and when I look back, I remember a little boy in middle school saying I had a “tomato head.” Well, little boy, sorry, but I happen to like my rosy cheeks!

Create a “fat-talk-free zone”

“Fat talk,” Dr. Robyn explains, “Is when we go ‘oh my goodness, my thighs are so fat’…the other person goes, ‘no, no, you’re not fat…I’m the fat one…have you seen my butt…what a whale.’” Sadly, I know too well—and I’m sure some of you do, too—what she is talking about. “Surround yourself with positive people. Take a good look at who you’re hanging out with, and realize they may not be the best friends.” I have definitely run in to some toxic people, and I am happy to say they are no longer a part of my life. Breaking ties can be difficult, but it’s well worth it.

Who, What, Where, When, How

I asked Dr. Robyn to give me some advice on how to really enjoy the wedding day and not worry about each hair being perfectly in place. Her advice is to answer the “Who, what, where, when, and how” questions in your life.

“Who in your life makes you feel best?” Dr. Robyn says. “Either surround yourself with those people or get messages from them.” Before the wedding ceremony, Brian and I will be reading messages we wrote to each other—kind of romantic!

“What can you do that makes you feel beautiful in every way?” I feel beautiful in lingerie, so…I’m wearing something special underneath my gown just for me!

“Where should you be? Inside, outside?…Where is it that will make you feel the best?” I need natural light to feel calm, and the venue Brian and I chose is all windows!

“When is your best time of day?” For me, the morning, and we’re having a daytime wedding, so that’s perfect!

“How do you want the day to go?” I want everyone to feel the love and enjoy themselves. Perfection is not the priority—love is (okay, a little cheesy, but that’s what makes me feel my best!

After taking a long look at my body image, I decided to toss it to our Facebook fans. I asked them what they love most about their body. The responses? Beautiful!

Here, are Facebook fans tell us, “I love…”

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Elizabeth Bella

“…my full hips and small waist!”

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Laurie Anderson Bartels

“…my eyes, my smile, and my curves.”

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SHa Cyunk ZaRa

“…everything [about] my bod.”

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Lisa Sweeney Sawicki

“…[that] my body looks better than when I was in my 20s.”

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Megan Mona Lundt

“…my dimples.”

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Trish TheDish Rathgeber

“…my strong legs.”

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Holly P-n

“…my face, especially my eyes.”

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Cmarie Breezy

“…my big nose.”

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Jennifer Cafaro Dillard

“…having curves and being a woman.”

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Reinette J.v Rensburg

“…everything God has given me.”

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Donna Harn

“…the wrinkles around my eyes.”

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Melissa O’Neill

“…the way I move.”

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Linda Birgis

“…my hair and my curv[es].”

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Nikki Suzanne Wade

“…my naturally red hair.”

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Dana Voigt

“…my newfound energy.”

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Anne Pennington

“…my broad shoulders”

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Nicole Alexandra

“…my full lips.”

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Emerlyn Gadiano

“…my radiant skin.”

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Jacqueline Cervantes Kious

“…my high cheek bones.”

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Lizette Anaya

“…my flat abs”

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Debra Temoche

“…my smile.”

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Leah K. New

“…my collarbones.”

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Nicole Wilson

“…the bump on my nose.”

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Sunita Goldstein

“…my smile.”

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Christine Susanne Nelson

“…my dimples.”

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Joanna Lewis Hiller

“…my entire strong body.”

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“…my eye shape.”

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Angela Boyd

“…the imperfections in my face.”

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Christine Livingston

“…my heart.”

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Leslie Delgado

“…how I am 41-yrs-old and still in shape.”

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Kiersten Sattler

“…my strong thighs.”

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Angela Boyd

“…my can’t-miss-it wagon.”

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Ora Lowe


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Jenne Griffin

“…[that] 60 feels good right now.”

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Kiersten Sattler

“…my my arms.”

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Leah Kristin Johnson

“…my curvy figure.”

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Go Kaleo

“…[that body] overcome obesity and metabolic syndrome.”

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Alyssa Wall

“…my natural curly hair”

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Nancy Reinhardt

“…all of it.”

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Anna Elizabeth Williamson

“…my smile and teeth.”


Thanks so much for sharing, ladies!

Want to see what I’m up to everyday? Follow me on Twitter @WHvera!

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