28 September 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Making Time For Friends, Fitness and Beer

By admin

I really should have called this post “Making Time For Beer, Friends, And Fitness” because that’s the order of things, but it doesn’t have the same ring to it, so just read it backwards if you want.

Yay for Friday! Hopefully you’ve got some awesome plans lined up for the weekend?

Nothing too exciting since I was gone last weekend and the month of October is crazy busy from beginning to end. I am welcoming, if not excited, for a boring but VERY productive weekend.

Though I might have to break for one of these:

Image source

For some reason, I have been craving a pumpkin ale beer. Considering that I haven’t ever had one, I have no idea where this craving is coming from but I think I will have to give in so I don’t end up going beer crazy, and return to my old college ways.

Have you ever had pumpkin ale? Good? Bad? So-so?

Let me know so I can save my money if it’s not worth it! lol.

Life Lesson Learned

Last night I was so excited to spend some QT with my fitness friend, and previous boot camp partner, Jeanette. Between boot camps, blogging, FWW, and life, I am pretty much the worst when it comes to putting aside “girlfriend time”.

This is actually something that I talk about with Dan a lot. I know I take my friendships for granted and I keep myself too focused on certain things and not enough on others.

Lesson Learned: It’s something that I want to get better at, if not, need to get better at.

So when Jeanette asked if we could catch up, I jumped at the chance. She just had a baby 6-weeks ago and has been itching to get back into a regular workout program and get out of the house.

How freaking cute is Josselyn?

This lady is crazy (not the baby, Jeanette)! You might recognize her from when we did our first mud run together:

Or how about our second one (recap here):

This just happens to be the same one Dan and I are doing in 2 weeks. I’m sad that J won’t be there with me.

I love her because I can always count on her for advice (especially on running), motivation and to kick my ass. She actually taught one of my boot camps before taking a promotion at work (J- wanna come back!?) AND is a certified running coach.

Yup, She is a super duper runner, I inspire to be as fast as she is but that is one competition I am not willing to take on. I might be competitive, but I’m not dumb.

It was nice to get an honest opinion from a new mom. I love hearing stories, how she’s adapting and what’s awesome and what was a surprise about babies. All good to know!

One Mile At A Time

Jeanette just got the green light to get back into working out so we met up to do a slow run-walk on some nearby trails before I had to peace out for boot camp.

The fall air was smooth, the humidity was bearable, and we took it mile by mile. It was more about hanging out with each other than it was the actually workout. The miles were just the cherry on top!

Jeanette, 6 weeks out from having her baby… chilling on the trails.

I forgot how much fun it is to exercise with a friend. Not that Dan’s not great, but this was different. Having girl time is super important and I realized that I neglect it too often. Life is short, these friends are here to help make life more exciting and I shouldn’t take that for granted. Thanks for the life lesson J!

Jeanette is back to work on Monday from maternity leave and though it’s going to be a tough transition and her life will be split between that and motherhood, I am determined for us to do these little fit-togethers once a month!

Are you good about hanging out and keeping in touch with friends? 

I have some friends who send cards for birthdays, remember my anniversary and keep up with everything! I aspire to be like them… one day.

As for the rest of today, I have a dirty house calling my name! 10 miles on the board to run tomorrow morning, I’ll let you know how it goes! :)

I leave you with this… what your husband doesn’t make you stop cooking dinner to see how long it takes to do 100 push-ups? What can I say, we’re awesome like that! 

Whip Six Feed

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