21 October 2012 ~ 0 Comments

Myrtle Beach Mini Marathon Pre Race Adventures

By admin

How is it Sunday already? The weekend flew by far too quickly (as weekends normally do). I had an amazing one, but I won’t lie, being away from my computer for 2 1/2 solid days felt really strange. There was so much that I wanted to share, and I just didn’t want to wait.

But I had to. :( But perhaps the wait is worth it? :)

If this is your first time visiting Lifting Revolution, I have been training for my first 1/2 marathon for the past 4-5 months. It came to an end this morning at 7 am when the gun went off to put my training to the test.

This was my first time traveling for a road race, not that we went far, we checked out of Charleston and headed up north to Myrtle Beach, SC. We hit the road Friday to make a weekend out of it with my friend Sarah who was running the race with me. She was driving in from DC, so clearly, we couldn’t just make a one day event out of it!

So let’s talk about the non-running parts of the trip first, shall we? I’ll highlight and recap the actual race tomorrow (have to leave you in suspense).

We got into Myrtle Beach around 6pm, normally it’s just a 1 1/2 drive but because of traffic it took us close to 3 hours to get to the hotel. The hotel wasn’t anything to brag about, we found a deal on Living Social a few weeks back so for the 2 nights we paid around $ 120. Sweet! The room and the building wasn’t amazing (but they were clean and spacey) but a view like this…

We were happy.

That first night was a bit rough. I had no intentions of partying away on such a fitness focused trip (remember this), yet that’s what happened.

myrtle beach mini marathon

We ate at some little beach bar which had NOTHING vegan and they weren’t able to cook me up anything. So, I went with shrimp for survival. It was just okay. 

We started with Dinner and wine, nothing crazy but since we finished up around 9 we decided to stop by a bar across the street from our hotel for a night cap.

Big mistake. After meeting some pretty interesting gents (visiting for golf), one drink led to another. We closed the place down. Oops. Completely out of character for me and Dan!

myrtle beach mini marathon

But the guys were very impressive business men and Dan and I enjoyed talking to them about travels, accomplishments, and business ownership. It didnt’ hut that they also knew magic tricks!

I paid the price Saturday morning… why did I get that last glass of merlot!?

We made sure to keep Saturday low key and in recovery mode. Let’s just do a picture book, shall we?

Nothing is better than a good cup of oats and a coffee to cure a hangover! Thanks Starbucks!

Then it was expo time and shopping time. Don’t ask how but Sarah forgot ALL of her running great in DC! Everything from her shoes to her sportsbra. So shopping was a must. Luckily the expo had some great deals.

Then put-put time!

Hey what’s Dan doing? Yea, he was a bit too gentle on his stroke. 

We of course wanted something easy to stomach and I wanted something I knew I could get vegan so when we saw a cute little Thai restaurant, The Black Thai… we all agreed it would be the pre-run meal!

Thai Veggie Dinner with brown rice! It was light and delicious. So many yummy vegetables and a light, coconut milk-free sauce.

When we were seated the waitress asked if we wanted a Thai Tea. I had no idea what it was, assumed it was any other tea and said yes please! When this showed up, I was quite disappointed. Tea with sugar and milk. It stayed un enjoyed right there. No way I was going to drink that the night before an important race!

After an early dinner, we headed back to the room where I was proudly asleep at 9:30.

5 am came way too fast and it was race time!

I’ll post the race recap first thing tomorrow morning! I will give you this though: I’m ready for another :)

Whip Six Feed

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