11 May 2015 ~ 0 Comments

Naked Truth: Is Fitspiration Doing More Harm Than Good?

By admin

They are meant to motivate us. To lift us up and give us the energy we need to lace up our shoes and get our workout in.

You know, “you’re lapping everyone that is sitting on their couch!”.

I see pictures everywhere with inspiring quotes and mantras…


…heck I even make them myself for social media.

#Fitspro is so in right now. All the cool kids are jumping on the band wagon.

But are they going overboard and actually have the opposite affect of what they want?

I googled “What is #fitspo?” to see what would pop up…


Yup. But I can’t leave it at that

There are a few issues I have with many of these “fitspiration posters”.

You Have To Die For Results



I’m sorry, if you’re in pain and you HURT… stop! There is no reward at the end.

Do you ever feel that you’re not doing enough? I don’t know about you, but these pictures make me feel as if I have to come close to losing my pre-workout snack from an all out balls-to-the-wall experience. If I’m not in a huge puddle of sweat, then am I doing enough?

I know the answer is yes. But for others? It can be confusing. And intimidating! If this is what fitness is supposed to look like, who wants to get started with that?



Exercise looks like punishment and it looks as if going to the point of complete and utter exhaustion is a necessity for results.

It’s not.

Right now, my training training is very focused and yes, may workouts are extremely intense. But on a normal basis, that’s not the case. I have light days of working more of skills and then heavier days with focused, sweaty workouts. But it’s not every workout, and I sure feel as if I am seeing results.

Movement people… that’s the key. MOVE MORE and see results.

PSA: The problem with our culture isn’t lack of exercise, over 50% exercise, it’s lack of total movement. 30-60 minutes of exercise, no matter how tough isn’t enough. Walk, take the stairs, bike, simply move your body. These are not forms of fitness, they’re forms of keeping a fit body.

In fact, you’re much better off in the long run, getting in 10,000 steps per day than knocking out 100 leg raises.

Why don’t we see more graphics with quotes like, “Just get up and walk!”?


You don’t have to die to call a workout a workout.

The New Source Of Perfection

I’m not going to sit here and share AGAIN my thoughts on media and the female body. I’ve written about that plenty of times before, read here.

This post isn’t about the traditional form of media (magazines, tv, etc), it’s about the fitness motivational fad that is going crazy right now.

Posters like…



…make every day women feel inspired for about .5 seconds.

The .5 seconds because the first thing that draws their focus is the quote/mantra. Then after that, the eyes are drawn to the photo… whomp whomp.

I’ll never look like that, so why even try? <— That’s what I hear so many amazing ladies say.

Just like the women gracing the cover of magazines, our aim is once more pushed to perfection. Yet, perfection WILL NEVER HAPPEN.

It’s exhausting, is humiliating and its extremely deflating.

I have a hard time believing that in 6 months I will look like this…

I guess I could but I’ll be slow, tired, miserable and weak. Genetics doesn’t allow me to look like this without some serious consequences. Ask Dan, I’ve been this and it sucked!



I know we shouldn’t play the comparison game, but it’s what we do. What’s the first thing we learned in grade school? To differentiate things! Which is bigger? Which is smaller? Which is the square? Which is blue?

We compare and we divide things up.

So it’s only natural we do that with our bodies and ourselves.

Comparing is what we were raised to do. And it sucks.

The Power Of The Fitspiration Craze

I know I just put down a lot of the images floating around, but don’t get me wrong. They do have their place.

A powerful quote can truly lift you up when you’re not wanting to move…



A small saying can help put things into a healthy perspective…



Being reminded that no matter what your mile time is, you’re still lapping those on the couch…



Those are inspiration for real women.

It’s not about comparing, it’s not about pushing yourself beyond your limits, it is all about being the BEST YOU.

And the best you can differ from day to day.


Just think about the message you’re receiving when you go to Pintrest for some support. Is this going to be a true motivation that you can look at EVERY DAY and feel lifted up? Or over a day or two, will you feel beaten? If so, don’t pin it, don’t share it on Facebook.


Choose the messages that really resonate and make you want feel good! Remember, fitness should make you feel good! It’s not punishment.

The Fitspiration Challenge

Can I give you a challenge? A real challenge!

I challenge you to make your own #Fitspro graphic for Instagram or Facebook. It could be a plain white picture with an awesome quote. It could be a picture of you doing the exercise that makes you feel strong and confident. Whatever you want! Post it, share it and tag me in the comments :)

Not sure how:

Instagram: @fitnesstaylor
Facebook: Taylor Ryan

I can’t wait! Let’s start focusing on positive support!

What’s your favorite quote?

When I’m racing and need to push hard, I repeat good old Jimmy Dugan: “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great!” <— Name that movie!

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