25 April 2014 ~ 0 Comments

New York, New York Here I Come!

By admin

Today is a big day! I am headed to the BIG Apple!


On my birthday, my mom surprised me with a girls’ weekend to celebrate my 30th birthday. I couldn’t be more excited.

New York City is a place I’ve always wanted to go yet just haven’t made it there yet.  I can’t wait to have culture shock as we walk the busy streets, hunt down a cab, and experience Broadway.

What makes it even more exciting is that my mom is coming. You see, my mom has a huge fear of flying. She has only flown once in her life and that was over 20 years ago, so for her to step on a plane for me is a big deal. I’m very proud of her!

Along with my mom, my SIL will also be with us! I love my SIL to pieces, so I’m excited to have her as a partner in crime for running central park, drinking too many glasses of wine, and getting all fancied up to look as we are calling it, “New York Chic”.

A few plans on our New York Itinerary include: 

Rock Of Ages on Broadway! <– Can not wait! 

Running 4 miles in Central Park

Checking out Freedom Center


That’s really it so far. Once I finish this post, I am going to check out Ashley’s blog for some food recommendations. We really want to go to a more local spot than the touristy places to eat. So if you have any suggestions, I would love them!

Then I’m going to hit up Theodora’s blog to solidify a running route that is near our hotel. Apparently our hotel gym is amazing but I don’t want to spend any of the time we have stuck in a gym!

I will be sharing a lot of our trip on Instagram (@FitnessTaylor), so make sure if you don’t already to follow me! And of course I’ll do a recap next week of our experience!

Before I sign off, let’s go through this past week’s workouts!

Workouts Of The Week


Saturday: 7 mile run and kettlebell workout

Sunday: Easter Yoga at Yoga House Of Charleston

Monday: 3 mile run, quick kettlebell workout and handstand work

Tuesday: Track workout with Katie and boot camp workout

Wednesday: Filmed warm-ups and workout overviews for FWW (not strenuous, more of an active rest)


Thursday: 4.4 miles with Erica and kettlebell workout with Jeanette


Let’s chat…

Whats something fun you’re doing this weekend?

Share your favorite workout from this past week! 

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