18 June 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Not A Spoon, Not A Fork: It’s A SporkFoods Interview

By admin

Spork. sporkfoods

What a great word. It’s hard to say without smiling.

It’s a word that makes me happy, while at the same time wanting a piece of watermelon.

Sporks and watermelon go together like peas and carrots if you ask me.

So, I have to give sisters, Jenny & Heather credit for creating Spork Foods. It’s a name that I can’t forget.

Good thing, since I don’t want to. And you won’t either!

These ladies are amazing. Having chosen the vegan route over a decade ago, they have made it their mission to educate people on living a nutritionally balanced vegan lifestyle.

And of course, this lifestyle includes learning to create meals that actually have flavor, substance and “wow”. You know we all love “wow” foods.

I was honored when they both agreed to sit down with me and share some of their knowledge not just on vegan cooking but the looking at veganism as a lifestyle. Something that they carry with them all the time, not just when they sit down to breakfast, lunch or dinner.

You might think we’re completely off our rockers for eating vegan, but you’ll still enjoy this podcast.

SporkFoods Explains It All

A few of their services includes: 

  • Corporate Functions/Team Building & Educational Seminars
  • Cooking Instructions
  • In Home Consultations
  • Private Cooking Parties (I think this would be so much fun)
  • Online Cooking Classes

We had an amazing talk on food, health and life in general. A talk that you want to listen to, no matter if you’re vegan or not.

spork food

One thing I love, is that the three of us share the idea that food is healing.

The Food Idea: We (you and I) are in control of what goes into our bodies and because of that power we control what happens to our bodies.

I recently read some where that 95% of chronic disease can be traced back to nutrition. It’s food for thought.

If you want to listen to the podcast on the go, here’s the audio version:

I want to thank Jenny & Heather so much for being guests. It was a pleasure spending the morning in front of the computer chatting away.

I can’t wait to keep digging into their videos and am already planning on signing up for an online course so I can increase my vegan repertoire.

And make sure to check out their cookbook:

Spork-Fed Cookbook


Check the cookbook out HERE!

Connect with SporkFoods: 

BTW, do you even follow me on Instagram yet? You really should! I love sharing our meals and workouts. Instagram.com/FitnessTaylor

Q: What’s your favorite fruit? Veggie? 

Whip Six Feed

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