09 September 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Nutritional Benefits Of Pumpkin Spice + Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes

By admin

Boy oh boy, do I have a treat of you today! No really, like a real treat.

Just incase you’ve been hanging out on another country, I should inform you that it is now the season of pumpkin spice. Pumpkin spice EVERYTHING.

To be honest, I think pumpkin spice is overhyped, and I give Starbucks mad props for bringing this spice into the spotlight.

But like every other girl in America, I’ll be enjoying a pumpkin spiced latte soon (when the temperature decides to stay below 90-degrees).

And the treat I have for you today? Well, I’ve enjoyed far too many already.

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But I’m getting ahead of myself…

For someone that thinks this whole pumpkin spice craze is a bit, well, crazy, why would I sit here endorsing it with a pumpkin spice recipe of my own?

Because pumpkin spice if amazing for your health and body.

What Is Pumpkin Spice?

No, pumpkin spice isn’t ground up dried pumpkin skin, it’s a combination of the following spices:

  • Cinnamon
  • Nutmeg
  • Ginger
  • Allspice

All of which have awesome powers all on their own, but combined together it’s like Captain Planet.

Instead of Earth, Wind, Fire, Heart coming together to form Captain Planet… these 4 combine to create the more famous Pumpkin Spice.

Seriously, I’m surprised by how few remember Capt. Planet!

Moving on…


The Health Benefits Of Pumpkin Spice

It’s one thing for me to say it’s good for you, but it’s another to show it. Yes?

Now, the list of benefits for each of these can go on and on, and to be honest each spice probably deserves it’s own spotlight post… that’s for another time and day. For now, let’s highlight just a few of the SUPER reasons you should love each.


Cinnamon is quite possibly the healthiest spice in the spice kingdom… King Cinnamon.

Here’s just a bit of it’s magical powers:

It has the ability to help those with insulin resistance by regulating blood sugar (very important for pre and diagnosed diabetics).

Cinnamon has an amazing ability to fight yeast infections. Candida can cause a lot of issues for women, but studies have shown that cinnamon is one of the best natural remedies for killing the fungus. This characteristic also makes it great for food preservation.

And like all of the pumpkin spice components, it’s great for digestive health and IBS issues.

Have you taken the cinnamon challenge lately?


A little nutmeg can go a long way… there is such a thing as too much of this stuff which can deliver quite a high when taken in larger doses.

But in small amounts, it’s quite the super spice… nutmeg is a brain stimulant helping to eliminate fatigue and stress. In fact, ancient Romans and Greeks used it to create a brain toxic to improve concentration and focus.

It’s also an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever when taken orally or made into an oil and massaged onto sore muscles/joints. It can also help take away redness and puffiness from acne and scars.

Oh and did I mention that studies have linked it to increasing sexual libido for men? Source.


Ginger is a super root! The compound that gives ginger it’s distinct flavor, gingerol, has been linked to decrease risk of cancer as well as power to slow tumor growth. Perhaps this is why cancer is less prevalent in countries like Japan where ginger is used on a daily basis?


First off, did you know that allspice is the dried fruit of the pimento tree? Learn something new here at LiftingRevolution every day, right?

The active compounds in allspice have anti-flatulent abilities. Who needs Beano when you can have allspice? It also contains an oil, eugenol, which has antiseptic qualities. Healthy dental hygiene isn’t found from flossing and Listerine, it’s from eating allspice (but continue to floss and swish!).

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes

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I’m not normally a donut kind a gal, but lately I’ve been craving something sweet to dip into my coffee.

I had a large container of pumpkin spice in my pantry and decided to give baked donut holes a try. My first batch was a flop… they fell apart, were crazy dry and are now being used as smoothie croutons (nothing gets wasted).

But after a few tweaks, my second batch was just what I was looking for! Sweet, flavorful, light, and delicious.

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes


– 2 Cups Gluten-Free Oatmeal Flour (grind oatmeal into course flour)
– 2 Tbsp Ground Flaxseed
– 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Spice + more for coating
– 1/3 Cup Maple Syrup
– 2 Eggs
– 1 Tsp Butter Extract Flavoring*
– 1/2 Tsp Vanilla Extract
– 1 Tsp Coconut Sugar <— for coating (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 350-degrees

2. Combine all ingredients (except coconut sugar) into a mixing bowl and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes to allow dough to harden enough to roll into balls.

3. Use a tablespoon to measure out dough and roll into balls, place on a non-stick baking sheet.

4. Bake for 10 minutes.

5. Allow to cool just enough to handle but still warm. Toss all balls into a gallon size ziplock, sprinkle in 1 tbsp of pumpkin spice (and a splash of coconut sugar if wanted) and shake bag to coat all holes.

*Most grocery stores have this in the seasoning section next to the vanilla.

What’s your favorite donut? Are you a dunker?

I am not a huge donut eater, but I do love a good vanilla cream filled donut. Can’t remember the last time I had one though. And as for dunking? YES! Coffee or milk is fine with me.

Whip Six Feed

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