Whip Six

Dedicated to women worldwide, Whip Six focuses solely on the technical advancement and glorification of the female athlete, enabling her to achieve her dreams of fitness, health and the preservation of youth.

Whip Six apparel offers quality clothing, active wear and accessories for women cyclists, triathletes and fitness athletes.

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Launch Your Own Hyper-Successful Body Transformation Campaign

It’s Dan today. Taylor is out in Utah living the good life, hiking in the mountains, hanging with other cool-as-heck fitness and health bloggers… and then there’s me… Alone. With the cat and the dog. But don’t feel worry for me. I’m actually getting tons of stuff done this weekend in a quiet home. I […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Launch Your Own Hyper-Successful Body Transformation Campaign

It’s Dan today. Taylor is out in Utah living the good life, hiking in the mountains, hanging with other cool-as-heck fitness and health bloggers… and then there’s me… Alone. With the cat and the dog. But don’t feel worry for me. I’m actually getting tons of stuff done this weekend in a quiet home. I […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Launch Your Own Hyper-Successful Body Transformation Campaign

It’s Dan today. Taylor is out in Utah living the good life, hiking in the mountains, hanging with other cool-as-heck fitness and health bloggers… and then there’s me… Alone. With the cat and the dog. But don’t feel worry for me. I’m actually getting tons of stuff done this weekend in a quiet home. I […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

How To Launch Your Own Hyper-Successful Body Transformation Campaign

It’s Dan today. Taylor is out in Utah living the good life, hiking in the mountains, hanging with other cool-as-heck fitness and health bloggers… and then there’s me… Alone. With the cat and the dog. But don’t feel worry for me. I’m actually getting tons of stuff done this weekend in a quiet home. I […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

4 Steps to a Successful Beach Workout

Sure, you hit the beach to relax. But you don’t have to spend the entire trip in a lounge chair: In fact, you can burn more calories in less time if you exercise on sand, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Strength Conditioning and Resistance. Researchers found that your heart beats […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

4 Steps to a Successful Beach Workout

Sure, you hit the beach to relax. But you don’t have to spend the entire trip in a lounge chair: In fact, you can burn more calories in less time if you exercise on sand, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Strength Conditioning and Resistance. Researchers found that your heart beats […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The 4 Biggest Breakup Mistakes

Dealing with a breakup always sucks, but recently more people seem to be seeking out advice on how to get through it. Google searches for how to get over a breakup increased 41 percent from 2011 to 2013, according to recent data from the search engine. So why the spike in post-split searches? Experts say […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The 4 Biggest Breakup Mistakes

Dealing with a breakup always sucks, but recently more people seem to be seeking out advice on how to get through it. Google searches for how to get over a breakup increased 41 percent from 2011 to 2013, according to recent data from the search engine. So why the spike in post-split searches? Experts say […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The 4 Biggest Breakup Mistakes

Dealing with a breakup always sucks, but recently more people seem to be seeking out advice on how to get through it. Google searches for how to get over a breakup increased 41 percent from 2011 to 2013, according to recent data from the search engine. So why the spike in post-split searches? Experts say […]

18 May 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Most Americans Live in Smoke-Free Homes

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Eighty percent of people say they don’t allow smoking in their homes, according to a new survey. [UPI] A man in Illinois found a lottery ticket in a cookie jar—and it won him $ 4 million! [Huffington Post] The new tiger cub at […]