Whip Six

Dedicated to women worldwide, Whip Six focuses solely on the technical advancement and glorification of the female athlete, enabling her to achieve her dreams of fitness, health and the preservation of youth.

Whip Six apparel offers quality clothing, active wear and accessories for women cyclists, triathletes and fitness athletes.

17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

6 Workout Moves to Do With Your Dog

Some fitness partners flake out, miss workouts, or make excuses. But here’s a partner that won’t: your dog. New fitness classes for out-of-shape people and their pets are popping up across the country. And it’s about time: More than 52 percent of dogs in the U.S. are overweight or obese, according to the Association for […]

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17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Fitness Help: Are You Mentally Strong Or Mentally Weak?

My grandmother can’t swim. She’s tried to to learn several times throughout her life and it just never happened. My mom was a lifeguard in high school and spent the summer attempting to teach Grandmama to swim. As long as my mom was by her side, looking at her, she would do fine. Float, even […]

17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Fitness Help: Are You Mentally Strong Or Mentally Weak?

My grandmother can’t swim. She’s tried to to learn several times throughout her life and it just never happened. My mom was a lifeguard in high school and spent the summer attempting to teach Grandmama to swim. As long as my mom was by her side, looking at her, she would do fine. Float, even […]

17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Worst Breakfasts in America

Some foods go together like peanut butter and jelly. Like cheese and wine. Like eggs and…a glazed donut?! Select Massachusetts Dunkin’ Donut stores now carry a Glazed Donut Breakfast Sandwich, an insane concoction made of bacon and a pepper-fried egg between two halves of a glazed yeast donut. The sandwich weighs in at 360 calories, […]

17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

What To Do If Nude Photos of You End Up Online

It’s basically your worst nightmare: You gave an ex a sexy photo, and now it’s on the web. In Brevard County, FL, the situation was so common that the local sheriff encouraged the state legislature to pass a law criminalizing “revenge porn.” Now, Florida has introduced a bill that would make it a felony to […]

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17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Should I Worry About Cell Phone Radiation?

Name five adults you know who don’t have a cell phone. Not possible, right? We take owning them for granted—but there’s also continued concern about the potential health risks of cell phone radiation. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently opened an inquiry to determine if it should update its current policies and limits on exposure […]

17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

The Secret Ingredient to a Flatter Belly

Oil gets a bad rap, but you don’t have to completely banish it from your diet: In fact, eating certain kinds of vegetable oils might reduce abdominal fat and lower your risk for metabolic syndrome, according to a new study presented at the American Heart Association’s EPI/NPAM 2013 Scientific Sessions conference held in New Orleans […]

17 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Get This: Finding a Yoga Class Just Got Easier

Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: A new app from Lululemon helps you find different yoga classes near you. [Reuters] Go ahead and play Text Twist: Word games are better than drugs at preventing cognitive decline. [TIME] The new anti-street harassment PSAs in Philly are pretty amazing. [The […]

16 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Does Your Guy Have Baby Fever?

Men get a reputation for being baby-averse, but they may be more eager to have kids than you realize. In fact, childless men feel more depressed, sad, angry, and jealous of friends with kids than their female counterparts, according to a new survey conducted by Keele University in the UK. The surveyors asked 108 childless […]

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16 April 2013 ~ 0 Comments

Does Your Guy Have Baby Fever?

Men get a reputation for being baby-averse, but they may be more eager to have kids than you realize. In fact, childless men feel more depressed, sad, angry, and jealous of friends with kids than their female counterparts, according to a new survey conducted by Keele University in the UK. The surveyors asked 108 childless […]

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