Get This: Why You Should Make a Cherry Dessert
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Dedicated to women worldwide, Whip Six focuses solely on the technical advancement and glorification of the female athlete, enabling her to achieve her dreams of fitness, health and the preservation of youth.
Whip Six apparel offers quality clothing, active wear and accessories for women cyclists, triathletes and fitness athletes.
Your daily dose of today’s hottest headlines Continue reading → Whip Six Feed
New research finds that more women are working out than ever. What are you waiting for? Continue reading → Whip Six Feed
If you’re not getting busy for the right reasons, your relationship could suffer Continue reading → Whip Six Feed Whip Six Feed
If you’re not getting busy for the right reasons, your relationship could suffer Continue reading → Whip Six Feed
There’s a new reason to pick up the latest issue of Women’s Health each month: Regular reading, writing, and other brain-stimulating activities could keep your mind sharp as you age, according to new research published in Neurology, the American Academy of Neurology’s medical journal. Researchers conducted annual evaluations for 294 older adults. For each one, […]
I will admit when it comes to staying in tuned with the world, my husband is far better than me. He always knows the latest and most popular trends, YouTube videos, and images to go viral. So when he called me into his office yesterday to ask if I had seen the Dustin Hoffman interview […]
I will admit when it comes to staying in tuned with the world, my husband is far better than me. He always knows the latest and most popular trends, YouTube videos, and images to go viral. So when he called me into his office yesterday to ask if I had seen the Dustin Hoffman interview […]
Some things—a bottle of incredible Bordeaux, aged Gruyere, George Clooney—get even more enjoyable as time passes. One thing that you may not think falls into this category: sex in a long-term relationship. But that’s just not true, according to a recent poll that finds 90 percent of people believe that sex can get better over time. […]
Some things—a bottle of incredible Bordeaux, aged Gruyere, George Clooney—get even more enjoyable as time passes. One thing that you may not think falls into this category: sex in a long-term relationship. But that’s just not true, according to a recent poll that finds 90 percent of people believe that sex can get better over time. […]
Check out the list of links that should be on your radar today: Groups that sing together have synchronized heartbeats. Karaoke, anyone? [NPR] So the radiation from airport security scanners probably isn’t going to kill you. Phew. [US News and World Report] Zach Braff helped one of the men who donated to his Kickstarter project propose to […]