05 December 2014 ~ 0 Comments

Peppermint Chocolate Candy Cane Shake {Vegan}

By admin

Okay, I may have gone a little overboard this week on the holiday themed posts, but I couldn’t help myself. The excitement is in the air and I am counting down the days until our Christmas mountain getaway.

The holiday festivities continue this week with the Reindeer Run tomorrow, then Saturday evening I’m having a baking and gift making party with Ashton.

It really is the most wonderful time of the year.


To end the week well rounded, I thought I would go ahead and share this festive holiday shake with you. I had planned on holding on to it a bit longer, but why not share now?

Before I do though, I wanted to quickly share the track workout I did yesterday morning. That’s right, I finally made it back to the track.

Monday kicked off a challenge that Dan and I gave each other. We each picked 5 weekly goals and using this App called Daily Goals we’re able to hold each other accountable.

One of my goals is to hit the track 1x per week. So unenthusiastically, I got up yesterday morning and did it! Having a buddy helped for sure!

4 Mile Frosty The Trackman Workout


After that you better believe I was ready for some fuel! And that’s when this shake was born (I have to give a shout out to my 7:30pm boot campers for the inspiration).

Peppermint Chocolate Candy Cane Shake



1 Cup Almond Milk (or other alternative)
1 Frozen Banana
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein
1-3 Drops Peppermint Extract (depending on preference)
1 Peppermint Candy Cane
1 Tsp Dark Chocolate Chips


Blend the milk, banana, protein, extract and 1/2 of candy cane until smooth. Add the remainder of candy cane and chocolate chips and pulse so they remain like sprinkles in the shake!

Of course if you have another candy cane it definitely adds more pizzazz to the finished product!


Favorite type of candy cane?

I LOVE the Starburst ones.

Whip Six Feed

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